The Q3 2012 release brought a major improvement in the databinding of RadHtmlChart and the price is a breaking change:
The DataField property of each series is now DataFieldY.
This is done to provide better databinding options for the rest of the series (e.g. Scatter and ScatterLine got a DataFieldX and Pie got NameField).
More information about the improvements and new features is available in
Q3 2012 Release Notes page
New Features of RadHtmlChart for ASP.NET AJAX Ship a Month Ahead of Schedule blog post
The DataField property of each series is now DataFieldY.
This is done to provide better databinding options for the rest of the series (e.g. Scatter and ScatterLine got a DataFieldX and Pie got NameField).
More information about the improvements and new features is available in
Q3 2012 Release Notes page
New Features of RadHtmlChart for ASP.NET AJAX Ship a Month Ahead of Schedule blog post