I would like to bold one of the If Then Statements, when i convert my text box to an html text box i get an error. Here is my code.
= 'Each of the undersigned (herein referred to individually and collectively as “Owner”) hereby guarantees, represents and warrants to ENTERPRISE Crude Oil, LLC (“ECO”), its successors and assigns, that each Owner is the legal owner of the Owner’s respective interest, in the proportions hereinafter stated, in all Oil (as defined herein) produced and saved from the ' + If(Count(Fields.[Property #]) > 1, "See Exhibit A", Fields.[Property Name])+ ' located in the County of ' + If(Count(Fields.[Owner Name]) > 1, "See Exhibit A", Fields.[County Name] + ', State of ' + Fields.CityState) + ', described as follows (the “Lands”):'