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Binding to generic list of objects

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Chart (Obsolete)
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Jonathan asked on 02 Oct 2012, 07:13 AM
Hi I have a generic list of objects that I would like to bind to a bar graph that have the following properties:

public decimal TotalValue
        return _totalValue;
        _totalValue = value;
public decimal TotalHours
        return _totalHours;
        _totalHours = value;
public string FieldActivityNameWUnit
        return _fieldActivityNameWUnit;
        _fieldActivityNameWUnit = value;
public int ActivityMonth
        return _activityMonth;
        _activityMonth = value;
public string ActivityMonthName
        return _activityMonthName;
        _activityMonthName = value;
public string FieldActivity
        return _fieldActivity;
        _fieldActivity = value;

If you look at the attached graphic, really all I want is the totalvalue displayed.not the month number or the totalhours.  how do I get rid of these other two series?  here is my code so far:
    protected void CreateYearChart()
        FieldActivity _activity = FieldActivityService.GetByID(Int32.Parse(ddlFieldActivity.SelectedValue.ToString()));
        RadChartProjectActivityYearly.ChartTitle.TextBlock.Text = _activity.Unit + " in " + ddlDetailYear.SelectedItem.Text;
        List<FactProjectActivityTotalsByMonth> _factsBar1 = FactProjectActivityTotalsByMonthService.GetForYear(Int32.Parse(ddlDetailYear.SelectedItem.Text), Int32.Parse(ddlFieldActivity.SelectedValue.ToString()));
        RadChartProjectActivityYearly.DataSource = _factsBar1;
        RadChartProjectActivityYearly.Legend.Visible = true;
//        RadChartProjectActivityYearly.Series[0].DataYColumn = "TotalValue";
        RadChartProjectActivityYearly.PlotArea.XAxis.DataLabelsColumn = "ActivityMonthName";
        RadChartProjectActivityYearly.AutoLayout = true;
        foreach (Telerik.Charting.ChartSeries series in RadChartProjectActivityYearly.Series)
            //if (series.Name != "TotalValue")
            //    RadChartProjectActivityYearly.Series.Remove(series);

I thought about creating the series manually but then I lose the X-axis labels so ideally I'd like to be able to databind to only one property of the object in the underlying list.  Her is the declaration:
<telerik:RadChart ID="RadChartProjectActivityYearly" runat="server" skin="Forest" Width="1000px" >
 <Appearance Position-AlignedPosition="TopRight"></Appearance>
        <XAxis AutoScale="False" DataLabelsColumn="ActivityMonthName" ></XAxis>
thanks for the help

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Petar Kirov
Telerik team
answered on 04 Oct 2012, 04:03 PM
Hello Jonathan,

I believe your problem is that you have commented out this line:
RadChartProjectActivityYearly.Series[0].DataYColumn = "TotalValue";
Without it the chart can not know which property to treat as YValue.

You can check this example of data binding to generic list of objects for reference.

Let us know how it works for you.

Petar Kirov
the Telerik team
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Chart (Obsolete)
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Petar Kirov
Telerik team
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