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Binding same datasource for RadGrid?

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Madhu Palakurthi
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Rank 1
Madhu Palakurthi asked on 09 Jan 2013, 05:12 AM

I have a unit combobox in the UI & contains data like  'Select All',   '001',   '002',  'IT' ...etc   ( pic1 from attached files ) .

When combo box value is 'Select All' then I am looping every unit and adding user control to RadPanelbar ...
UserControl has a grid and binding data based on unit and other parameter.


Here I am creating object for usercontrol and adding to RadPanelBar ..
Here CboUnit -Unit ComboBox ,     
 pnlDDSummaryDept - RadPanelBar ,
DueDateSummarybyDept.ascx   -  Usecontrol has RadGrid
If RadTabStrip1.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
       ElseIf RadTabStrip1.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
           If cboUnit.SelectedItem.Text.Contains("Select All") Then
               Dim i As Integer = 0
               Do While (i < cboUnit.Items.Count)
                   If Not cboUnit.Items(i).Text.Contains("Select All") Then
                       Dim dateItem As New RadPanelItem()
                       dateItem.Text = cboUnit.Items(i).Text
                       Dim control As New RadPanelItem()
                       Dim Panel1 As New Panel()
                       Session("DDByDeptCode") = cboUnit.Items(i).Text
                       Dim DDUCSummaryByDept As Control = FindControl("uxDDSummaryByDept" + i.ToString())
                       If DDUCSummaryByDept Is Nothing Then
                           DDUCSummaryByDept = LoadControl("DueDateSummarybyDept.ascx")
                           DDUCSummaryByDept.ID = "uxDDSummaryByDept" + i.ToString()
                       End If
                   End If
                   i = i + 1

DueDateSummarybyDept.ascx :
<telerik:RadGrid DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" ID="RadGrid3" runat="server" GridLines="None"
                       PageSize="20" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
                       <PagerStyle Mode="NumericPages"></PagerStyle>
                       <MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="false" Width="100%">
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:TaskManagementConnectionString2 %>"
                           <asp:SessionParameter SessionField="UserName" Name="User" Type="String" />
                           <asp:SessionParameter SessionField="DDByDeptCode" Name="DepCode" Type="String" />

DueDateSummarybyDept.ascx.vb :
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "rpt_DeptTaskListingPerDays"       
End Sub

But after running the application , I have checked query by using sql profiler is taking same Unit =' SM' for each loop .this unit is last unit from combo box.   ( pic2 from attached files )

Actually I have data for Unit ='IT' but still showing empty result. ( pic3,pic4 from attached files)

How can I do set sql datasource and display exact result based on unit.

Please help me on this ..

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Madhu Palakurthi
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Rank 1
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