Hi all,
My web page has got a asp:TextBox and a listview, initially the listview is not visisble.When user type a text inside the TextBox I want a listview bound with the database. Exactly my requirment is to bind list view depanding upon the value typed in the textbox.
My sqlquery to extarct the value fron the db is."SELECT patientOrg, surgeryDate FROM DetailsChart WHERE patientName ="text from textbox"
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My web page has got a asp:TextBox and a listview, initially the listview is not visisble.When user type a text inside the TextBox I want a listview bound with the database. Exactly my requirment is to bind list view depanding upon the value typed in the textbox.
My sqlquery to extarct the value fron the db is."SELECT patientOrg, surgeryDate FROM DetailsChart WHERE patientName ="text from textbox"
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