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Bind crosstab grouping to parameter

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Jean-Francois asked on 26 Mar 2013, 09:19 PM
Hello Telerik,
I want to provide a report with Custom Grouping in a crosstab. The parameter is a dropdownlist with availablevalues containing Text (DisplayMember) and Value (ValueMember) fields.
For this to work I have to bind the grouping and the field to the Value, and the Text to the header Textbox. I tried doing it through code but I couldn't get the selected value of the dropdownlist parameter, and the direct binding to the Parameters.GroupBy.Value won't work either.

Is there a way to achieve this in a Xtab ?


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answered on 29 Mar 2013, 05:42 PM

You can specify as a group criteria a report parameter value in the Group Explorer. The Value property of theTextBox item in the group header can be set to an expression based on the parameter as well, e.g.:
For all these to work your data should be relevant to the Crosstab item structure.

Another approach will be to create the Crosstab item manually. To check what code you need to build programmatically the item, create the structure initially with the provided wizard and designer, then look at the generated code in the *.designer.cs file.

If you need further help, please elaborate on the scenario as much as possible.

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