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Avoid postback on Radwindow open

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Balaji asked on 23 Jul 2015, 06:40 AM


I have problem in opening radwindow, postback occurs on everytime when i open the radwindow.

i used button click for opening radwindow. i pasted the code below, which i have used.

<telerik:RadButton ID="create" Text="New meeting" runat="server" OnClientClicking="Open" AutoPostBack="false" CausesValidation="false" Skin="WebBlue" Font-Bold="true" Height="22px" Width="97px" ToolTip="Click here to Create a new meeting">
<telerik:RadWindowManager ID="RadWindowManager1" runat="server" EnableShadow="true" EnableViewState="false"></telerik:RadWindowManager>
<telerik:RadWindow id="radCreatePopup" NavigateUrl="CreateMeeting.aspx"  Top="30" OnClientShow="OnClientshow" Left="100" VisibleStatusbar="false" Modal="true" CenterIfModal="true" OnClientClose="Close" runat="server" Width="770px" Height="390px" Skin="WebBlue" Behaviors="Resize, Close, Move, Reload" ReloadOnShow="True" />

and javascript function ..

(function (global, undefined) {
  var button = null;
  function OnClientshow(sender, eventArgs) {
  function Open() {
      var oWnd = $find("<%= radCreatePopup.ClientID %>").show();
      global.OnClientshow = OnClientshow;
      global.Open = Open;
function Close() {
 var oWnd = $find("<%= radCreatePopup.ClientID %>").Close();
 return false;

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Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 27 Jul 2015, 02:05 PM
Hello Balaji,

I am not able to reproduce the mentioned issue. I can suggest the following:
    - If you are not using latest Telerik UI version - 2015.2.623, does upgrading to it helps?
    - Are there any JavaScript errors on your page? If there are such errors they should be found and fixed.
If the above steps, however, do not help could you please try to reproduce the problem with the attached example and then tell us what changes you have made, so that we can proceed further with the investigation?

Danail Vasilev
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Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
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