Hi, I have a question similar to this: http://www.telerik.com/forums/y-axis-values-on-radcartesianchart-with-zoom.
I'd like for the y-axis to auto-adjust its range based off of just the data points displayed, not the entire collection. And it should happen as the user scrolls/zooms. I understand how the solution you provided in the previous forum post works, but it wouldn't work for me because I have many different charts with a variable number of series, different data points being charted, etc.
So, my questions
1) Since the forum post I linked above, have you added the ability to auto-adjust an axis off the current viewport rather than the entire data set?
2) If not, can you think of a generic version of the sample in the previous forum post? One where I don't have to access a series' ItemsSource? I noticed that in the sample, there's this line of code in MainWindow.xaml.cs that gets the range using the series' ItemsSource (Context).
var visibleRange = Context.GetRange(firstElem, lastElem - firstElem).Select(pd => pd.YVal);
I attached a screenshot to visualize the issue. The bars are so small because somewhere else in the chart, there's a data point where the max value of both bars, stacked, is about 2.2 million. When a user scrolls to see the data points in the screenshot, the y axis max value should change to probably be about 500K.