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Attempting to resuse a test within another test

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Navdeep asked on 24 Sep 2019, 10:22 PM
I am attempting to create common tests in the API suite so that I can reuse said tests in multiple scenarios.  I would like to keep all tests within the same project therefore I am looking to "copy/paste" a centralized test so that I only need to make changes/updates to a single location instead of each individual test.

For example, I want to create a single "Authentication" step and reuse it for all API testing.  Be able to update just the one location for the test and it be reflected for each location that the "Authentication" step is located.  Currently it does not allow me to place a test within another test.  Am I going about this in the wrong way?

Hope this makes sense and hope to get some clarity.

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Plamen Mitrev
Telerik team
answered on 26 Sep 2019, 07:27 AM

Hello Navdeep,

Thank you for sharing an example for the feature that interests you.

Adding a test as a step in the current test in not available in Test Studio for APIs, but we have an approved feature request, we just have not had the chance to do it, yet. You can vote for it, to increase its importance, comment and follow it. You will get notifications for any progress update.

I can't say when this feature will be implemented, but it is in our roadmap and we are considering it for future releases.

Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your input and try to make our products even better.

Plamen Mitrev
Progress Telerik

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Plamen Mitrev
Telerik team
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