can a client event be added to a control in a EditItemTemplate at design time?
<telerik:RadNumericTextBox ID="rntbNetCost" Text='<%# Bind("NetCost") %>' runat="server">
<ClientEvents OnValueChanged="UpdateCostSource" />
<NumberFormat DecimalDigits="2" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfNetCost" ControlToValidate="rntbNetCost" ErrorMessage="Net Cost Required" runat="server">
the function hasn't been implemented (yet)
function UpdateCostSource(sender,args) {
or do I have to add it as an attribute on the ItemCreated event handler in code
I'm working in VS2010 .NET 4.0
UPDATE - the event triggers, it just doesn't allow me to break
<telerik:RadNumericTextBox ID="rntbNetCost" Text='<%# Bind("NetCost") %>' runat="server">
<ClientEvents OnValueChanged="UpdateCostSource" />
<NumberFormat DecimalDigits="2" />
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfNetCost" ControlToValidate="rntbNetCost" ErrorMessage="Net Cost Required" runat="server">
the function hasn't been implemented (yet)
function UpdateCostSource(sender,args) {
or do I have to add it as an attribute on the ItemCreated event handler in code
I'm working in VS2010 .NET 4.0
UPDATE - the event triggers, it just doesn't allow me to break