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AsyncUpload temporary files sometimes not remaining long enough

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Jeff asked on 13 Aug 2015, 05:43 PM

We seem to have a very similar issue to the one reported here:

Q2 2010 (Version 2011.2.713)
Problem: RadAsyncUpload sometimes fail to upload the files to the target folder.

 except the version we are using is 2013.1.417.45 in which the issue is supposed to be fixed. The challenge is that the problem is not consistent. We're able to upload video files usually without a problem but at the same time we have many users, dozens a day, that get an error during the postback portion of the upload when the temporary file is not found. We tried using the custom handler fix as described in that earlier version problem solution but that doesn't seem to affect the issue. The users seem to be using a variety of browsers and systems so we haven't been able to isolate a pattern. 

 We'd even be okay not having the temporary files delete at all and we'll manually delete them daily if that is possible.

 Is there any potential solution to this?


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answered on 14 Aug 2015, 05:00 PM

To add to this post, the error message we are getting on the postback - not all the time but consistently enough that it is a major problem - is:

Error Type: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\​xxxxxxxxx\xxxxxxxxx\App_Data\RadUploadTemp\1eqovf1u.csl​

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answered on 17 Aug 2015, 02:10 PM
in further research we believe what is happening is that the upload of large video files utilizes an increasing amount of the website application pool until it reaches a point that the application pool recycles and that action clears the RadAsyncUpload temp files (we think). Our application pool memory is the max it can be so again it seems like the best short term solution would be if there is a way for us to keep the temp files indefinitely and then manually clear them if that is a possibility. Thanks
Hristo Valyavicharski
Telerik team
answered on 18 Aug 2015, 12:34 PM
Hi Jeff,

Please read this post:

Hristo Valyavicharski
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answered on 18 Aug 2015, 06:05 PM
Thank you for the reference link. Unfortunately that is not the same problem we are having. Our temp folder works as it should and 75% of the time everything is correct and after the final submit, the temp file is moved to its permanent location. But on long video uploads, there seems to be a memory leak causing the IIS application pool to recycle and in the recycle process the temp file is lost. Then when the user clicks the final submit, the system can't find the associated temp file as it is no longer there. The solution we're hoping for, if it is possible, is either to find a way to prevent the accumulated memory requirements during the async upload that cause the system to max out and recycle (this is on a dedicated server with a major provider) and/or to prevent the temp files from deleting at all and then we'll manually manage their removal. Is that possible?
Peter Filipov
Telerik team
answered on 21 Aug 2015, 11:46 AM
Hello Jeff,

You could do the following. Create a custom handler which inherits ours and override the following method AddCacheDependency to do nothing. This way you will prevent the adding of the files in the cache for further deletion. Keep in mind that you will need to delete the temp files with other mechanism.

Peter Filipov
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answered on 21 Aug 2015, 03:26 PM
Thank you - I think that is exactly what we're looking for. The custom handler example is very helpful. You wouldn't happen to be able to point me to an example of setting the method AddCacheDependency to nothing would you? thanks again
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answered on 21 Aug 2015, 03:28 PM
Thank you - I think that is exactly what we are looking for. The custom handler example is very helpful. You wouldn't also happen to have an example of setting the AddCacheDependency to nothing you could point me to? If so, that would be great. thanks again
Peter Filipov
Telerik team
answered on 25 Aug 2015, 07:53 AM
Hi Jeff,

Please review the attached project and let me know if it works for your case.

Peter Filipov
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answered on 25 Aug 2015, 10:42 PM
Thank you Peter. I think this is right on track and we are very close. The only issue is that when the radasyncupload points to the new handler the upload hangs in the first few seconds. There is no error it just doesn't progress past the first few MB. If I remove the reference to the handler the same code completes the upload. I'm using the code exactly as was posted here and put both the upload page and the handler at the root of a dev site so there were no issues with correctly pointing to the handler. Do we need to register the handler in the web.config? We have the rad elements as you indicated in the sample web.config but I didn't see anyplace where the handler itself was registered (if that is necessary). Thanks
Peter Filipov
Telerik team
answered on 27 Aug 2015, 07:51 AM
Hi Jeff,

The handler should be working fine and it does not require any registrations in the web.config. My suggestion is that something is blocking the request. Could you test the sample on other machine?

Peter Filipov
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Hristo Valyavicharski
Telerik team
Peter Filipov
Telerik team
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