Hello !
Pleased to have found your site who got exactly what i need, a mounth / year select calendar found here : http://www.telerik.com/community/code-library/aspnet-ajax/calendar/month-year-picker.aspx
But for the ajax calendar, i don't have found any events handler when textbox text changed (for to code behind) or how i can get the string inside this textbox.
Also i get an error in VS say me : balise prefix telerik not recognized.
Thanks for help.
Pleased to have found your site who got exactly what i need, a mounth / year select calendar found here : http://www.telerik.com/community/code-library/aspnet-ajax/calendar/month-year-picker.aspx
But for the ajax calendar, i don't have found any events handler when textbox text changed (for to code behind) or how i can get the string inside this textbox.
Also i get an error in VS say me : balise prefix telerik not recognized.
Thanks for help.