When I validate the RadComboBox for the WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 Accessibility Compliance with WAVE, I can see there are some warning/errors.
For instance, the RadComboBox has a tooltip property, which bring the title attribute on the input, but WAVE would prefer to have a label linked to the input instead.
I know there is a Label property that I can set, which generate a label beside the RadComboBox, but I want to link my own label to the ComboBox.
I could simply do this myLabel.AssociatedControlID(comboBoxId + "_Input");, but I'd rather not do this, in case the combobox change in a future update and the input id is not "comboBoxId + "_Input".
Is it any other way to do it? The best way would have been to access the ClientId of the input within the RadComboBox object.
Thank you.