Hello. i m wishing to use in future telerik ui for asp.net core for my projects.
I use Telerik.UI.for.AspNet.Core and Telerik.Web.Spreadsheet packages for VS 2022.
Right now i'm testing in demo version realization of formulas. I made my formulas, it works good, makes the result that i want
But looks like it recalculates formula in ANY change on the sheet. .
Its a big optimization problem cause i need a big sheet with thousands cells with this formula
Any way to avoid it?
I need to recalculate formulas only if depended cells were changed just like base formulas works, but i don't see in documentation any way to make it
Looks like whole telerik formulas works like that. any change makes rerender of sheet and recalculation of any formulas
How is it possible to add a fully functional icon button in grids Group Header ?
My approach :
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Command(command => command.Custom("Vorgang hinzufügen").IconClass("save").Click("showDetails")).Width(300);
columns.Bound(p => p.Id).Filterable(false).Visible(false);
@* columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimId).ClientGroupHeaderTemplate(@"<div>Alfred Mustermann</div><div><button name=""textButton"" theme-color=""ThemeColor.Primary"" type=""button"" icon=""arrow-rotate-cw"" on-click=""onClick"">Add Button</button></div>"); *@
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimId).ClientGroupHeaderTemplate(@"<div>
<div>Alfred Mustermann</div>
<kendo-button name=""textButton"" type=""button"" theme-color=""ThemeColor.Primary"">Add Button</kendo-button>
columns.Bound(p => p.VnName).Width(300);
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimState).Title("Status").Width(100);
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimnumberInsurance).Title("Schadennummer VU").Width(150);
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimnumberRisktaker).Title("Schadennummer Risikoträger").Width(150);
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimFriendlyName).Title("Beschreibung").Width(200);
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimDate).Title("Schadendatum").Format("{0:dd.MM.yyyy}");
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimItemReference).Title("Verweis auf Mappeneintrag").Width(200);
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimItemReferenceType).Title("Eintragstyp").Width(150);
columns.Bound(p => p.ClaimItemRemark).Title("Bemerkungen").Width(150);
.Selectable(s => s.Mode(GridSelectionMode.Single)
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "height:650px;" })
.Events(events => events.Change("onChangeCustomerGrid"))
.DataSource(dataSource => dataSource.Ajax()
Is it possible to use a Grid's built-in popup editor to display a Kendo Editor component? I'm finding some solutions that are close, but not quite exactly what I'm looking for. Basically one of the columns in the Grid has a need to allow rich HTML text when creating/editing, and the Kendo Editor seems to be the best way to do this.
For my app I ideally would like to achieve the following layout :
So am I right in thinking this is the way to go about it?
Header - this would be an app bar component,
Expandable links within the header - a menu component embedded within the app bar for the expandable links
Left bar - this would be a drawer component so it can show the icons and be expanded on demand - would this also need an embedded menu component so each section can expand?
So have a question as I may just not understand the difference to what I think something controls to what it actually controls. When I select the add new record it triggers the following line control:
If e.CommandName = RadGrid.UpdateCommandName Then
Additionally, the edit button also triggers the same line. Is there a way to make that button on the grid trigger one or the other, specifically the performinsertcommand or are both supposed to trigger the same command?
(see picture below)
Code headers for that grid:
<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" Width="800px" OnItemDataBound="RadGrid_ItemDataBound" OnNeedDataSource="RadGrid_NeedDataSource" OnItemCommand="RadGrid_ItemCommand"
OnItemCreated="RadGrid_ItemCreated" OnDeleteCommand="RadGrid_ItemDeleted" Skin="MetroTouch">
I am currently trialing the products to see if I can get them to do what I need for an app under development.
In my app I have a grid that lists all of a customers active products.
I want to be able to click on an item in the grid (link or button) to launch a modal dialog where I can display in depth info regarding that item - the popup itself would need to have tabstrip and perhaps one or two grids on itself.
So I obviously need to design a view to display all this info which is fine, and I assume the Window component is the most suitable to effect the popup?
I can't seem to find a concrete example of how to call the window from the initial grid, pass the parameter of the selected item, and then load the view within the window.
As I say I am new to all this so feeling my way a little and so any guidance is greatly appreciated.
I have a grid in which I am using the columns.Select (see code below) and want a title to display next to the check box in the header where the user clicks the check box to select all rows. There is Title property but when I give it a value it does not display in the header as the other titles do.
This is what I have
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(i => i.lotNumber).Title("Lot Number").Width(100);
columns.Bound(i => i.lotLocation).Title("Lot Location").Width(100);
columns.Bound(i => i.lotQuantity).Title("Lot Quantity").Width(100).ClientFooterTemplate("Total: #=sum#");
columns.Bound(i => i.plannedStartDate).Title("Planned Start Date").Width(100).Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}");
columns.Bound(i => i.batchDueDate).Title("Batch Due Date").Width(100).Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}");
Below is a screenshot of the results. I want the text Pulled next to the check box in the header.
Do we need to have individual license for each developers to work on the Telerik UI for ASP NET Core.
When other developer try to clone the code from repository which has the dependency on Telerik UI for ASP NET Core, the package was not getting restored when build/rebuild the Appliation and error was thrown instead
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NU1102 Unable to find package Telerik.UI.for.AspNet.Core with version (>= 2024.2.514)
- Found 1 version(s) in nuget.org [ Nearest version: 2016.3.914 ]
- Found 0 version(s) in Microsoft Visual Studio Offline Packages
Any assistance on this would be appreciated.
I have a form split into sections, and within one of the sections I have a TextArea, which I want to render as the full width of the form - even when I suppress the label text, the container and spacing is still rendered and so I lose a chunk of space to the left of the text area (horizantal form layout)
My form code :@(
.HtmlAttributes(new { action = @Url.Action("EditCustomer", "Customer"), method = "POST" })
.Items(items =>
.Grid(g => g.Cols(2).Gutter(10))
.Items(i =>
.Field(f => f.CompanyName)
.Label(l => l.Text("Company Name:").Optional(false));
.Field(f => f.CustomerStatusId)
.Label(l => l.Text("Status:").Optional(false))
.Editor(e =>
.HtmlAttributes(new { })
.HtmlAttributes(new { style = "width:100%" })
.DataSource(source =>
source.Read(read =>
read.Action("LookupValues", "Lookup", new { type = "CustomerStatus" });
.Items(i =>
.Field(f => f.Description)
.Label(l => l.Text(" "))
.Editor(e =>
I have tried using the EditorTemplateHandler but that still seems to render the label section?