Using the example from this page:
My goal is to produce a PDF from the webpage with a header and footer as shown on the page above, and to be able to save the PDF to a location.
When using this method, the template header and footer display correctly.
kendo.drawing.drawDOM("#grid", { paperSize: "A4", margin: "3cm", template: $("#page-template").html() //WORKS }).then(function(group){ kendo.drawing.pdf.saveAs(group, "filename.pdf"); });
However, when using this method, the "template" is ignored. I have tried placing the properties in the "saveAs" object, but this didn't work either.
kendo.drawing.drawDOM("#grid", { }).then(function(group){ return kendo.drawing.exportPDF(group, { paperSize: "A4", margin: { left: "1cm", top: "1cm", right: "1cm", bottom: "1cm" }, template: $("#page-template").html() //IGNORED }); }) .done(function (data) { kendo.saveAs({ dataURI: data, fileName: "filename.pdf", //proxyURL: "myurl/Test/" }); });
How can I get the template to show the header and footers with the 2nd method?
Or does the "kendo.drawing.pdf.saveAs" have a "proxyURL" property?
.ToolBar(toolbar =>{
toolbar .ClientTemplate(
"<text>" +
"<a class=\"k-primary" href=\””+@Url.Action ("CreateId", "Home") + "\">" "Create New Person" +
"</a>" +
toolbar .Excel().Text("Excel");
Excel(excel => excel
I am trying to add excel buuton the existing client template but, the excel is not coming only the create new preson button is only coming. If i write the excel individually then it is working. I want the create new person button next to it the excel button.
can some one plz look into this.
Events(e=>e.ExcelExport("excelExportHelper"). DataBound("datagridrows")) |
with this line the excel button is working but after upgrading the button is not showing. Can someone plz help with the issue
.Columns(columns =>
columns.Bound(model => model.ParteMovimientoLineaID).Hidden();
columns.Bound(model => model.Cantidad).Title("Cantidad").Width("10%");
columns.Bound(model => model.TipoMovimiento).Title("Movimiento");
columns.Bound(model => model.MedioAuxiliar).Title("Medio / Maquinaria");
columns.Bound(model => model.TipoEstado).Title("Estado / Ret. Completa");
columns.Command(command => {
command.Destroy().Text(" ").IconClass("bi bi-trash");
command.Edit().Text(" ").IconClass("bi bi-pencil-square");
.ToolBar(t =>
t.Custom().Text("Añadir").HtmlAttributes(new { id = "addLineBtn" });
.Editable(editable =>
.BindTo(Model.Lineas) // This is a test, it should be a dataSource with the Read Action
@model MyPath.Models.Movimientos.ParteMovimientoLineaVM
<fieldset class="k-edit-form-container d-flex flex-column gap-4">
<div class="k-form-field">
@(Html.Kendo().NumericTextBoxFor(m => m.Cantidad)
.Label(l => l.Content("Cantidad")))
<div class="k-form-field">
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.TipoMovimiento)
.BindTo(new List<string> { "Movimiento 1", "Movimiento 2", "Movimiento 3" }) // Datos de prueba
.OptionLabel("Selecciona un movimiento")
.Label(l => l.Content("Tipo de movimiento"))
<div class="k-form-field">
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.MedioAuxiliar)
.BindTo(new List<string> { "Medio 1", "Medio 2", "Medio 3" }) // Datos de prueba
.OptionLabel("Selecciona un medio")
.Label(l => l.Content("Medio Axuiliar"))
<div class="k-form-field">
@(Html.Kendo().DropDownListFor(m => m.TipoEstado)
.Label(l => l.Content("Estado / Ret. Completa"))
.OptionLabel("Selecciona un estado")
.DataSource(source =>
source.Read(read => read.Action("GetMantenimientosDropDown", "MantenimientosSimples", routeValues: new { entidad = EMantenimientoGenericoEntidad.TipoEstado }));
AddEventos(): void {
if (this.grid) {
this.grid.bind("save", (e: kendo.ui.GridSaveEvent) => {
if (e.model?.isNew()) {
console.log("New row save:", e.model);
e.model!.dirty = false;
this.grid.bind("remove", (e: kendo.ui.GridRemoveEvent) => {
console.log("Row delete:", e.model);
AddCustomButtonEvent(): void {
$("#addLineBtn").on("click", () => {
if (this.grid) {
In the example below products is actually DbSet<Product>
public async Task<ActionResult> Products_Read([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request)
using (var northwind = new SampleEntities())
IQueryable<Product> products = northwind.Products;
DataSourceResult result = await products.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request);
return Json(result);
Under the hood the ToDataSourceResultAsync call is executed inside Task.Run
And that Task.Run is calling sync methods of IQueryable which means EntityframeworkCore queries are not taking place with async I/O
I came up with something like below. But couldnt figured out how to support groups and aggregates.
It works with filters, sorts and paging.
public static Task<AsDataSourceResult<TResult>> ToAsDataSourceResult<TModel, TResult>(this IQueryable<TModel> enumerable, DataSourceRequest request, Func<TModel, TResult> selector)
return enumerable.AsCreateDataSourceResultAsync(request, selector);
private static async Task<AsDataSourceResult<TResult>> AsCreateDataSourceResultAsync<TModel, TResult>(this IQueryable<TModel> queryable, DataSourceRequest request, Func<TModel, TResult> selector)
var result = new AsDataSourceResult<TResult>();
var data = queryable;
if (request.Filters.Count > 0)
data = (IQueryable<TModel>)data.Where(request.Filters);
result.Total = await data.CountAsync();
var sort = new List<SortDescriptor>();
if (request.Sorts != null)
if (sort.Count == 0 && queryable.Provider.IsEntityFrameworkProvider())
// The Entity Framework provider demands OrderBy before calling Skip.
var sortDescriptor = new SortDescriptor
Member = queryable.ElementType.FirstSortableProperty()
if (sort.Count > 0)
data = (IQueryable<TModel>)data.Sort(sort);
data = data.Page(request.Page - 1, request.PageSize);
var list = new List<TResult>();
result.Data = list;
return result;
private static IQueryable<TResult> Page<TResult>(this IQueryable<TResult> source, int pageIndex, int pageSize)
var query = source;
query = query.Skip(pageIndex * pageSize);
if (pageSize > 0)
query = query.Take(pageSize);
return query;
private static string FirstSortableProperty(this Type type)
var firstSortableProperty = type.GetProperties().FirstOrDefault(property => property.PropertyType.IsPredefinedType()) ?? throw new NotSupportedException("Exceptions.CannotFindPropertyToSortBy");
return firstSortableProperty.Name;
private static bool IsEntityFrameworkProvider(this IQueryProvider provider)
var name = provider.GetType().FullName;
return name == "System.Data.Objects.ELinq.ObjectQueryProvider" ||
name == "System.Data.Entity.Core.Objects.ELinq.ObjectQueryProvider" ||
name.StartsWith("LinqKit.ExpandableQueryProvider") ||
name.StartsWith("Microsoft.Data.Entity.Query.EntityQueryProvider") ||
AsDataSourceResult<TResult> is wrapper for typed access to DataSourceResult
How do i support all operations which ToDataSourceResult (sync) one supports.
I have list of tabs in my model like
In cshtml: my Tabstrip looks like this
Since Html.Action is no longer works in .net 8. Need suggestion to overcome this issue.
Now, I'm unable to navigate to the page which has this tabstrip due to Html.Action issue
I have a grid with the following template columns:
columns.Template("<input type='checkbox' />");
columns.Template("<input type='hidden' value='#=Ssid#' />");
Html.Kendo().Template().AddHtml() cannot be used because it does not return a string.
How can I rewrite the code to be compatible with a strict content security policy (e.g. without using unsafe-inline)?
Thank you