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UI for ASP.NET Core Forum
1 answer

Hi All

Right now Kendo Wizard only allows to move 1 step up or down. Do we have any way to make it all steps clickable. If I am on step 1 I can click on step 4 to see the content or click anyway to go to any step instead of only 1 +-


Telerik team
 answered on 13 Apr 2023
1 answer

First time using the Wizard control and I am running into a serious problem.  Here is the console error I receive when I try to run:

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': '$id' is not a valid attribute name.
    at attr (
    at Y (
    at Y (
    at Te.fn.init.attr (
    at string (
    at init.editor (
    at init.refresh (
    at new init (
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (
    at Function.each (

This happens in any time I try to add anything more than just Content items.  Here is my page using the sample code I found in Telerik's Github repo:

@model WilliamsKastner.Pages.CreateCarrierInvoiceModel
	ViewData["Title"] = "Create Carrier Invoice";
@inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery.IAntiforgery Xsrf
	var token = Xsrf.GetAndStoreTokens(HttpContext).RequestToken;

<h2 style="text-align: center;">Create Carrier Invoice</h2>
<p style="text-align: center;">Please select whether you want to create an end of month or end of quarter invoice. Verify the dates and click the Next button to continue.</p>
<hr class="dividerBar"/>
    .Events(ev => ev.Done("wizardDone"))
    .HtmlAttributes(new { url = @Url.Page("CreateCarrierInvoice"), method = "POST" })
    .Steps(s =>
        .Title("Account Details")
            .Form(f => f
                .Validatable(v =>
                    v.ValidationSummary(vs => vs.Enable(false));
                .Items(items =>
                    items.Add().Field(p => p.AccountDetails.Username).Label(l => l.Text("Username:")).InputHtmlAttributes(new { required = "required", validationMessage = "Username is required !" });
                    items.Add().Field(p => p.AccountDetails.Email).Label(l => l.Text("Email:")).InputHtmlAttributes(new { type = "email", required = "required", validationMessage = "Email is not valid !" });
                    items.Add().Field(p => p.AccountDetails.Password).Label(l => l.Text("Password:")).InputHtmlAttributes(new { @type = "password", required = "required", validationMessage = "Password is required !" }).Hint("Hint: enter alphanumeric characters only.");
            .Buttons(b =>

            .Title("Personal details")
            .Form(f => f
                .Validatable(v =>
                    v.ValidationSummary(vs => vs.Enable(false));
                .Items(items =>
                    items.Add().Field(p => p.PersonalDetails.FullName).Label(l => l.Text("Full Name:")).InputHtmlAttributes(new { required = "required", validationMessage = "Full Name is required !" });
                        .Field(p => p.PersonalDetails.Country)
                        .Label(label => label.Text("Country:"))
                        .Editor(e =>
                            .BindTo(new List<SelectListItem>() {
                                new SelectListItem() {
                                    Text = "France",
                                new SelectListItem() {
                                    Text = "Germany",
                                new SelectListItem() {
                                    Text = "Italy",
                                new SelectListItem() {
                                    Text = "Netherlands",
                                new SelectListItem() {
                                    Text = "Norway",
                                new SelectListItem() {
                                    Text = "Spain",

                        .Field(p => p.PersonalDetails.About)
                        .Label(l => l.Text("About:").Optional(true));
            .Buttons(b =>

        s.Add().Content("<h3>Click on the \"Done\" button to complete your registration.</h3>");


	function wizardDone(e) {
		$("#wizard").append($("<input type='hidden' name='__RequestVerificationToken' value='@token' data-stop='true' />"))


And finally, the code behind for the page:

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.RazorPages;
using WilliamsKastner.Data;

namespace WilliamsKastner.Pages
    public class CreateCarrierInvoiceModel : PageModel
        public CarrierInvoiceModel InvoiceViewModel { get; set; }

        public UserModel UserViewModel { get; set; }
        //[BindProperty(SupportsGet = true)]
        //public string InvoiceTypeID { get; set; }

        private readonly ExtranetDbContext _context;
        private readonly UserManager<ExtranetUser> _userManager;

        public CreateCarrierInvoiceModel(ExtranetDbContext context, UserManager<ExtranetUser> InjectedUser)
            _context = context;
            _userManager = InjectedUser;

        public void OnGet()
            UserViewModel = new UserModel()
                AccountDetails = new Account()
                    Username = "kev123",
                    Email = ""
                PersonalDetails = new Person()
                    FullName = "Kevin Carter",
                    Country = "Norway"
            //InvoiceViewModel = new CarrierInvoiceModel
            //    EndDate = "This is a test",
            //    Period = "0",
            //    StartDate = "This is another test",
            //    UserID = ""

        public IActionResult OnPost()
	        var model = Request.Form;

	        if (!ModelState.IsValid)
		        return Page();

	        return RedirectToPage("Success");

        public class CarrierInvoiceModel
	        public string Period { get; set; }
	        public string StartDate { get; set; }
	        public string EndDate { get; set; }
	        public string? UserID { get; set; }
        public class UserModel
            public Account AccountDetails { get; set; }
            public Person PersonalDetails { get; set; }

        public class Account
            public string Username { get; set; }

            public string Email { get; set; }

            public string Password { get; set; }

        public class Person
            public string FullName { get; set; }

            public string Country { get; set; }
            public string About { get; set; }

This is the Head tag in the _Layout file:

			var kendoVersion = "2023.1.314";
		<script src=""></script>
		<link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-GLhlTQ8iRABdZLl6O3oVMWSktQOp6b7In1Zl3/Jr59b6EGGoI1aFkw7cmDA6j6gD" crossorigin="anonymous">
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/css/site.css" asp-append-version="true" />
		<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src="~/kendo-ui-license.js"></script>
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src="" integrity="sha384-w76AqPfDkMBDXo30jS1Sgez6pr3x5MlQ1ZAGC+nuZB+EYdgRZgiwxhTBTkF7CXvN" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

FYI, I have tried every v5 version of Bootstrap.  If I download and run the sample solution from Github, all of the steps are rendered together on the page - in other words, all steps are shown and none hidden.  And if I just put 3 Content items here, the Wizard shows all 3 as steps and everything just works.

What in the world am I doing wrong?  All of the other Telerik UI controls that I am using (Grid and Chart) work as expected.  Just not the Wizard.

Telerik team
 answered on 23 Mar 2023
1 answer

Good afternoon,

I'm trying to find a way to programmatically set the content id for the next step in a wizard based on a radiogroup choice on the previous step.

I'm basing it on the Accepted answer from Mihaela on this post:

Incidentally, the required validation on the radiogroup in the example doesn't seem to work - you can click next to step 2 without choosing an option.

Rather than disable steps and jump to a different next step, I'd like to set the content for the next step based on the selected option.

On the select event for the wizard form I've tried the following:

                    var wizard = e.sender;
                    var radioValue = $("input[name='uploadType']:checked").val();
                    if (radioValue == "1") {
                        //e.sender.insertAt(3, { title: "Upload File(s)", contentId: "uploadFile" });
                        wizard.steps()[3].contentId = "uploadFile";
                    else {
                        //e.sender.insertAt(3, { title: "Choose File(s)", contentId: "chooseFile" });
                        wizard.steps()[3].contentId = "chooseFile";

I've used the syntax from this question:


This assumes that e.sender on the wizard select event is the equivalent of $("#wizard").data("kendoWizard").

I have two templates with partial views which are used dependent on the radiogroup selected value:

<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="uploadFile">
    @await Html.PartialAsync("_UploadFile")

<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="chooseFile">
    @await Html.PartialAsync("_UploadChoose")

The insertAt method works by inserting a step with the desired content, but I don't want to insert multiple new steps.

Can what I want to do be achieved?  Can the content be set programmatically?

I did also wonder if it was possible to have the conditional logic (e.g. if (radiogroup value == 1) in the kendo template, but this also didn't seem to work.

Kind regards,


Telerik team
 answered on 10 Feb 2023
1 answer

Good afternoon,

I am using the wizard component with a partial view on step 1, and a form on step 2.

        .Events(events => {
        .ValidateForms(v => v.ValidateOnPrevious(false))
        .Steps(s => {
                .Title("Choose Route")
                .Buttons(b =>
                .Title("File Details")
                .Form(form =>
                    form.Items(items =>
                            .Field(f => f.FileVersion)
                            .Label(label => label.Text("Version of file (if applicable) e.g. 1.00:")
                            .InputHtmlAttributes(new { @maxlength = "50" });
                            .Field(f => f.FileDescription)
                            .Label(label => label.Text("Description of file use/content:"))
                            .Editor(e => e.TextArea()
                            .Field(f => f.BusinessReason)
                            .Label(label => label.Text("Business reason for the transfer:"))
                            .Editor(e => e.TextArea()
                        items.Add().Field(f => f.SourceUri).Label(label => label.Text("Source URI (if from an identifiable source):").Optional(true));
                .Buttons(b =>
            s.Add().Title("Upload File").Content("Upload file");

The partial view content contains a Kendo dropdownlist and a Kendo grid. I need the user to have selected a value from the dropdownlist and the grid before the step 1 wizard button allows the navigation to step 2.

I have added required text inputs to the partial view to capture the required value of the dropdownlist and id of the selected row in the grid. I'm going to hide the inputs but I want the "this field is required" error messages to appear in a validation summary, as they do on the step 2 form.

I've tried adding @Html.ValidationSummary() to the partial view but the error messages still appear next to the text inputs (which are due to be hidden).  The partial view isn't based on a model.

The wizard's select event checks if the two inputs are valid and prevents the user from moving on:

               // Get the current step's container element
                var container = e.sender.currentStep.element;
                // Instantiate a validator for the container element
                // Get the validator's reference
                var validator = $(container).kendoValidator().data("kendoValidator");
                // Validate a given input elements
                if (!validator.validateInput($("#SourceEnvironmentId")) || !validator.validateInput($("#RouteId"))) {
                    // Prevent the wizard's navigation

How do I get the validation error messages for the hidden inputs to appear in the validation summary on step 1?

Kind regards,


Telerik team
 answered on 06 Feb 2023
1 answer



I have a wizard that loads partials as steps. Whenever I add more than one kendo component (for example a gauge and a slider) onto the same partial the second component renders outside of the wizards' container.


Please assist with this.


Kind Regards

Telerik team
 answered on 13 Jan 2023
1 answer
What is the best way to validate input on each wizard step before allowing user to go to next step? We are loading step content with ajax and not using forms inside the steps.
Telerik team
 answered on 26 Oct 2022
1 answer

This question is two-fold, and I can't seem to find the answers in the documentation. For background info, I'm using the latest version of Wizard (the Tag version) :

  1. How do I hide the reset button? I don't need it for my form.
  2. How do I go about making the Wizard's 'Done' button a submit type of a button, so I can send the form contents to the server? (I can't seem to find how to go about this).


Telerik team
 answered on 17 Aug 2022
1 answer

I wanted to rule out if this is some kind of issue with Telerik - I've implemented this in CodePen and it works there, but not with what I'm using in Visual Studio w/ the entire code. 

I have a series of buttons like so:

    <wizard-step title="Step 2">

<span class="nowrap d-flex flex-row"><div class="reasons"> @Html.RadioButtonFor(c => c.category, item.Value, new { id = item.Value, name = "Lists", @value = item.Value, @text = item.Text, @class = "reasons-input"}) <label for="@(item.Value)" class="reasons-label">@item.Text</label></div><button type="button" id="@item.Value" class="inputBtn btn btn-secondary" data-toggle="modal" datatarget="#@item.Value" style="background-color: transparent; border-color: transparent; color: #007bff; font-size: 21px;"><i class="fa fa-question-circle"></i></button></span>


And here's my attempt at setting up event listeners

  var inputButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".inputBtn");
            var buttonsCount = inputButtons.length;
                for (var i = 0; i <= buttonsCount; i += 1) {
                    inputButtons[i].addEventListener("click", function(e) {
However, I'm not able to grab anything w/ the querySelectorAll method - it's returning 0 length when sandwiched in Wizard Step tags but when in CodePen and without Telerik, it's returning "HI" in the console log when the corresponding button is clicked.  Any insights into why this is happening? Thanks!
Telerik team
 answered on 04 Aug 2022
1 answer
I'm running into a new issue with the UI for ASP.NET Core's Wizard in that if I add a code block, e.g., a @if statement or a @Localizer within a <wizard-step-content> tags, it will cause the stepper along the top not display. What are my options - I'll need the @if statements work in order to have certain information appear depending on what issue the user is submitting.
Telerik team
 answered on 27 Jul 2022
1 answer

Using Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core version 2021.2.511,

Some of the TagHelpers for the Wizard isn't working so I suspect I've set this project up incorrectly somehow. For what it's worth, the kendo-datepicker TagHelper works and renders correctly in the UI. However, the Wizard will not show up at all.

Here's what I've used, basically grabbed the code from the docs. The issue starts at the <wizard-step-form> tag, shows the following error: The wizard-step-form is not allowed by the parent <wizard-step> ... etc. 

The HTML Helper variation does work, however, but I'd prefer to use the TagHelper.

<div class="demo-section wide" style="width: 700px">
    <kendo-wizard name="wizard" on-done="onDone">
            <wizard-step title="Start">
                    <wizard-step-button name="next" text="Next"></wizard-step-button>
                    <div class="wizardContainer">
                        <div style="text-align:center">
                            <h2>Welcome to the Registration Form</h2>
                            <h2>for the monthly Telerik seminar</h2>
            <wizard-step title="User details">
                    <wizard-step-button name="previous" text="Previous"></wizard-step-button>
                    <wizard-step-button name="done" text="Register"></wizard-step-button>
                <wizard-step-form name="registrationForm" orientation="vertical">
                    <validatable validate-on-blur="true" />
                        <form-item field="FirstName" html-attributes='new Dictionary<string, object> { { "required", "required" } }'>
                            <item-label text="First Name:" />
                        <form-item field="LastName" html-attributes='new Dictionary<string, object> { { "required", "required" } }'>
                            <item-label text="Last Name:"  />
                        <form-item field="Email" html-attributes='new Dictionary<string, object> { { "required", "required" } }'>
                            <item-label text="Email:" />


Telerik team
 answered on 26 Jul 2022
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