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UI for ASP.NET Core Forum
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I have a multiselect whose items cascade from the the selected value of a drop down list.

When the page is loaded, the drop down list selection defaults to the first item in the list, which results in two items in the multiselect and the multiselect popup height shows the two items.

If a different drop down list option is selected, there are 15 items in the multiselect but the popup height still shows two items at a time. The scroll buttons work, but I would like to increase the height so that more options are visible. I have tried setting the height of the multiselect, but it has no effect.

Is there a way to resize the popup height when the items in the multiselect changes or to specify a minimum height of say 4 lines?

Thank you

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 updated question on 15 Nov 2023
1 answer

I want to use this demo: and have a checkbox on left side of the list.
Upon selecting the tag I want to see the count of items selected instead of showing them as chips with names as selected.

I want to use this demo : and have a checkbox and show count for no of tags selected as in this demo: Kendo UI Snippet | Kendo UI Dojo (

I see a jquery approach but I want to implement a html tag helper approach in both cases for asp net core
I have attached a image that I have as UI

Telerik team
 answered on 13 Oct 2023
1 answer


How do I disable popup if no DropDownList/Multiselect contains no data or filtering does not find any items using html helpers:


If I instantate controls using jQuery I would get this done setting noDataTemplate to false:
$("#Testi").kendoDropDownList({ noDataTemplate: false, ..

On html helpers there is no option to set NoDataTemplate boolean value and setting string value empty or null does not work.


Telerik team
 answered on 21 Mar 2023
1 answer

After converting my project from .NET 4.7.2 to .NET 6.0 I am facing below JS error for Kendo UI multiselect

readyException.js:9 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'off')
    at init._editable (kendo.multiselect.js:537:40)
    at init.readonly (kendo.list.js:201:18)
    at new init (kendo.ts:796:30)
    at HTMLSelectElement.eval (kendo.core.js:3469:32)
    at Function.each (core.js:260:19)
    at jQuery.fn.init.each (core.js:82:17)
    at $.fn.<computed> [as kendoMultiSelect] (kendo.core.js:3468:26)
    at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (List:668:63)
    at mightThrow (deferred.js:124:29)
    at process (deferred.js:192:12)

Telerik team
 answered on 20 Feb 2023
1 answer


I have following MultiSelectFor:

    @(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(x => x.TitleAttachmentForm.AuthorsList)
                                                    .DataSource(ds => ds
                                                    .Transport(transport => transport
                                                    .Read(r => r
                                                    .ItemTemplate("<span class=\"k-state-default \"><strong>#= (data.Title == null) ? '' : data.Title # #: data.Firstname # #: data.Lastname #</strong><p>#: data.SubDisplayValue #</p></span>")
                                                    .TagTemplate("<span>#= (data.Title == null) ? '' : data.Title # #: data.Firstname # #: data.Lastname #</span>")


The MultiSelectFor is binded to following remote api:

  public async Task<JsonResult> OnGetAuthorPublisherRead([CanBeNull] string filterValue, [CanBeNull] string bindedvalue)


This is used to filter for items on the remote site and get the binded value.

In my DropDownListFor I can use authorDataFunction to receive the value and the text of my DropDown:

   function authorDataFunction() {
            return {
                __RequestVerificationToken: kendo.antiForgeryTokens().__RequestVerificationToken,
                filterValue: $("#mydropdown").getKendoDropDownList().filterInput.val(),
                bindedvalue: $("#mydropdown").getKendoDropDownList().value()


I played around with the api, however, I am not able to receive the input text and value(s):

    function authorDataFunction() {
            var multiselect = $("#TitleAttachmentForm_AuthorsList").data("kendoMultiSelect");

            return {
                __RequestVerificationToken: kendo.antiForgeryTokens().__RequestVerificationToken,
                filterValue: multiselect.filterInput.val(),

Its telling me, that filterInput is undefined. also multiselect.text() does not work.

How can I access the binded value and the input in the .net core component?

Telerik team
 answered on 30 Nov 2022
1 answer
Please can you advice if there is a way to enable 
  1. Components/
  2. MultiSelect/ to be clickable.




Telerik team
 answered on 31 Oct 2022
1 answer


I have followed various examples and my very minimal knowledge of Kendo to attempt to filter a large dataset on the server side Razor Pages Page. 

I have used this:

However, I cannot get the filtered data to return correctly without type arguments being thrown by the method.

Things I have checked

  1. Pascal Case is being returned despite getting a Splice error.
  2. An empty array is being returned on from the server as a default


1. MultiSelect Component

@model Guid

@(Html.Kendo().MultiSelectFor(x => x)
    .Placeholder("Start typing order numbers...")
    .DataSource(dataSource =>
        dataSource.Read(r => r.Url("/XXXX/XXXX/Index?handler=OrderMultiSelectRead")
    ).HtmlAttributes(new {style ="width: 100%" }))

2. Server Side Code

public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostOrderMultiSelectRead([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, string text)
            var result = new List<Order>();

                var filters = request?.Filters?.Cast<FilterDescriptor>().ToList();

                var firstFilter = filters.FirstOrDefault();

                if (firstFilter == null) return new JsonResult(await result.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request));
                firstFilter.MemberType = typeof(int?);

                var firstFilterValue = firstFilter.Value.ToString();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstFilterValue) || firstFilterValue.Length < 5)
                    return new JsonResult(await result.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request));

                var orderNumberParsedAsInt = int.Parse(firstFilterValue);

                var matchingOrders =
                    (await this.orderRepository.GetModelsAsync(x => x.OrderNumber == orderNumberParsedAsInt))
                    .OrderByDescending(x => x.OrderNumber).ToList();

                return new JsonResult(await matchingOrders.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request));
            catch(Exception exception)
                var resultPayload = await result.ToDataSourceResultAsync(request);

                resultPayload.Errors = new List<Exception> { exception };

                return new JsonResult(resultPayload);
Really struggling with this!
Telerik team
 answered on 24 Aug 2022
0 answers

Using the Multiselect works great but the delete icon for the items overlay the text. In trouble shooting this, if I remove the "k-multiselect" class from the div wrapping the the Multiselect, it looks fine. I don't think I am missing a stylesheet but is the a way to exclude/remove this class by a configuration or am I doing something wrong? 

I have attached a screenshot of the displayed Multiselect and the html wrapping the Multiselect when it is generated.

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Rank 1
 asked on 19 May 2022
1 answer

I have two multiselects (vendors and buyers) that are required selections to load a grid which lists POs when a user presses a "search" button. I am trying to learn about how to add validation so that you cannot load the grid unless the two multiselects have something selected. The documentation that I've found deals with forms so trying to figure out how to implement validation for my usecase. 

                    <label for="vendorslist" style="color:white; line-height:3.2; padding-right:3px; padding-top:5px">Vendors</label>
                    <div class="nav-item dropdown" style="padding-right:10px;">
                        .Placeholder("Select Vendor...")
                        .HtmlAttributes(new { style = " font-size:inherit; width:250px" })
                        .DataSource(source =>
                            source.Read(read =>
                                read.Action("GetVendorList", "UVL").Data("GetFacilityCode");
                        .Events(events => events.Open("vendorsListOpen"))

                    <label for="buyerslist" style="color:white; line-height:3.2; padding-right:3px; padding-top:5px">Buyers</label>
                    <div class="nav-item dropdown" style="padding-right:10px;">
                        .Placeholder("Select Buyer...")
                        .HtmlAttributes(new { style = " font-size:inherit; width:150px" })
                        .DataSource(source =>
                            source.Read(read =>
                                read.Action("GetBuyers", "PODashboard").Data("GetFacilityCode").Type(HttpVerbs.Get);


Function ran when reading grid that pulls selections to use for params when calling API:

function getPOParams() {
    //grab facility
    var dataText = $("#Facility").data("kendoDropDownList").text();
    var facility = dataText.split('-');
    var _facilityCode = $.trim(facility[0]);
    var _facilityDesc = $.trim(facility[1]);

    //grab vendor
    var multiselect = $("#vendorslist").data("kendoMultiSelect");
    var _vendors = [];
    var items = multiselect.value();
    for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

    //grab buyer
    var buyerMultiselect = $("#buyerslist").data("kendoMultiSelect");
    var _buyers = [];
    var buyerItems = buyerMultiselect.value();
    for (var i = 0; i < buyerItems.length; i++) {

    //grab PO#
    var _poText = $("#poNumTextbox").data("kendoMaskedTextBox").value().toString();

    //grab status
    var _statusText = $("#StatusDropDownList").data("kendoDropDownList").value();

    return {
        vendorCode: _vendors,
        buyer: _buyers,
        facilityCode: _facilityCode,
        facilityDesc: _facilityDesc,
        statusText: _statusText,
        poNumText: _poText


Telerik team
 answered on 24 Jan 2022
1 answer
2.9K+ views

I am having trouble getting the multi select to work in a .NET 5 project. I believe the code below is the relevant portion. This is copied directly from the official Telerik demo with a few modifications, and it works in the official Telerik demo project. The problem is that I can't get this code to work in any other project. It seems to be unable to read the data coming from Virtualization_Read. Since this works fine in the demo project, I am thinking it must be something outside of the code shown below, but I have no idea what it could be.


@(Html.Kendo().MultiSelect() .Name("orders") .DataTextField("text") .DataValueField("value") .Placeholder("Select addresses...") .Height(450) .Filter("contains") .DataSource(source => { source .Ajax() .PageSize(10) .Read("Virtualization_Read", "Home"); }) .Virtual(v => v.ItemHeight(26).ValueMapper("valueMapper")) )

 public ActionResult Virtualization_Read([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request)
            return Json(GetOrders().ToDataSourceResult(request));
 private List<SelectListItem> GetOrders()
            var list = new List<SelectListItem>();
            list.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Item 1", Value = "1" });
            list.Add(new SelectListItem() { Text = "Item 2", Value = "2" });

            return list;
Telerik team
 answered on 10 Nov 2021
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