I would like to use a treeview to show a grouped list of resource. So I would like the root nodes to show something like:-
+ Resource Type A (12)
+ Resource Type B (2)
etc etc
But I would like to have the child nodes of these root nodes to have a different template in this case it could be a Listview etc so that IO can control how they will appear on the screen.
I know that I can create the nodes server side but I can only create 1 server side template that is applied to all nodes (or so it seems) and while I can specify 2 templates on the design surface (Global) and (per defined Node Type) I do not see how I can do this when I am databinding. As in this case I am databinding to 2 datatables, one with the summary information and the other containing the detail information. I appreciate that this may not be clear, if you need me to clarify anything on this please let me know.
In essence I would like to show a treeview showing the summary and then something like a listview or grid for the child nodes.....
Any help guidance or wisdom would be much appreciated.
Many Thanks