I am trying to use a simple appointment template, but I just cannot make it work. Version: 2010.1.413.35
<telerik:RadScheduler runat="server" ID="RadScheduler1" SelectedView="WeekView" SelectedDate="2009-02-02"
TimeZoneOffset="-05:00:00" FirstDayOfWeek="Sunday" LastDayOfWeek="Saturday"
StartEditingInAdvancedForm="false" EnableDescriptionField="true"
OnClientAppointmentCreated="appointmentCreated" Width="100%" Height="100%" OverflowBehavior="Scroll"
<AdvancedForm Modal="true" />
<TimelineView GroupBy="Calendar" GroupingDirection="Vertical" />
<WebServiceSettings Path="../WebServices/Plan/Agenda.asmx" ResourcePopulationMode="ServerSide" />
<TimeSlotContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true" />
<AppointmentContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true" />
<h1><%# Eval("Subject") %></h1>
I am trying to use a simple appointment template, but I just cannot make it work. Version: 2010.1.413.35
<telerik:RadScheduler runat="server" ID="RadScheduler1" SelectedView="WeekView" SelectedDate="2009-02-02"
TimeZoneOffset="-05:00:00" FirstDayOfWeek="Sunday" LastDayOfWeek="Saturday"
StartEditingInAdvancedForm="false" EnableDescriptionField="true"
OnClientAppointmentCreated="appointmentCreated" Width="100%" Height="100%" OverflowBehavior="Scroll"
<AdvancedForm Modal="true" />
<TimelineView GroupBy="Calendar" GroupingDirection="Vertical" />
<WebServiceSettings Path="../WebServices/Plan/Agenda.asmx" ResourcePopulationMode="ServerSide" />
<TimeSlotContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true" />
<AppointmentContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true" />
<h1><%# Eval("Subject") %></h1>
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
Hello Teodorico,
Indeed, AppointmentTemplate cannot be used with client binding mode (web services). We are aware of this limitation of RadScheduler, but unfortunately, it cannot be avoided.
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Indeed, AppointmentTemplate cannot be used with client binding mode (web services). We are aware of this limitation of RadScheduler, but unfortunately, it cannot be avoided.
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answered on 19 Apr 2010, 04:52 PM
Is using web services the best performance method? If so, it would be nice to have this feature.
Are you planing to implement it?
I tried injecting HTML directly in the subject property and it works; it does render the HTML on the appointment. I can control with my code the real “subject” to persist to the database, so the HTML would not be an issue. The problem that I face now is that the HTML is displayed in the tool tip. Is it possible to disable the tool tip from code behind when the appointment is created? I did not find a property for this on, though I saw a JavaScript method. I need to set it on the controller on the code behind, otherwise, I would have to find all appointments on the browser using JavaScript.
Hi Teodorico,
The standard server-side templates cannot be used with web service binding. We can't support them because the appointments do not exist on the server. We're researching our options for client-side templates and will provide examples in the foreseeable future.
For the moment you can use either your approach (HTML in the subject) or the client-side appointmentCreated event. The latter can be used to inject HTML elements for example with jQuery. An example can be seen here:
The Appointment.ToolTip value can be set separately of the Subject.
The Web Service binding generally yields better results in terms of network traffic and performance, but for limited number of appointments. The server-side rendering is still recommended if you are rendering large number of appointments or require the use of templates.
Sincerely yours,
Tsvetomir Tsonev
the Telerik team
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The standard server-side templates cannot be used with web service binding. We can't support them because the appointments do not exist on the server. We're researching our options for client-side templates and will provide examples in the foreseeable future.
For the moment you can use either your approach (HTML in the subject) or the client-side appointmentCreated event. The latter can be used to inject HTML elements for example with jQuery. An example can be seen here:
The Appointment.ToolTip value can be set separately of the Subject.
The Web Service binding generally yields better results in terms of network traffic and performance, but for limited number of appointments. The server-side rendering is still recommended if you are rendering large number of appointments or require the use of templates.
Sincerely yours,
Tsvetomir Tsonev
the Telerik team
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answered on 01 Nov 2010, 12:02 PM
Are there any news here?
I'm using a web service but as i have understood i cannot use any templates.
Is this right?
ps:btw i have found http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/schedule_advancedformtemplate.html
Please let me know if it is possible to use the previous templates when using a web service.If so,is the previous link the solution?
I'm using a web service but as i have understood i cannot use any templates.
- AppointmentTemplate - determines how appointments are rendered within the scheduler's view.
- InlineInsertTemplate - determines how the in-line editor appears for inserting a new appointment.
- InlineEditTemplate - determines how the in-line editor appears for editing an existing appointment.
- AdvancedInsertTemplate - determines how the advanced edit form appears for inserting a new appointment.
- AdvancedEditTemplate - determines how the advanced edit form appears for editing an existing appointment.
Is this right?
ps:btw i have found http://www.telerik.com/help/aspnet-ajax/schedule_advancedformtemplate.html
Please let me know if it is possible to use the previous templates when using a web service.If so,is the previous link the solution?
Hello Tasos,
RadScheduler supports the AdvancedInsertTemplate and AdvancedEditTemplate when using Web Service binding. The rest (AppointmentTemplate, InlineInsertTemplate and InlineEditTemplate) are indeed not supported.
The advanced template example demonstrates everything you need to get it working. The example itself uses server-side binding, but if you change it to Web Service binding the template will continue to work.
I hope this helps!
Kind regards,
Tsvetomir Tsonev
the Telerik team
RadScheduler supports the AdvancedInsertTemplate and AdvancedEditTemplate when using Web Service binding. The rest (AppointmentTemplate, InlineInsertTemplate and InlineEditTemplate) are indeed not supported.
The advanced template example demonstrates everything you need to get it working. The example itself uses server-side binding, but if you change it to Web Service binding the template will continue to work.
I hope this helps!
Kind regards,
Tsvetomir Tsonev
the Telerik team
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answered on 04 Nov 2010, 02:13 PM
Thank you!