This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.

Appointment font in radscheduler?

2 Answers 184 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Chris Trina
Top achievements
Rank 1
Chris Trina asked on 28 Dec 2015, 05:51 PM

I have the following scheduler on a page.  My problem is, regardless of what skin I assign, the font for the appointments is displaying white making it really hard to read.  I've struck out on trying to find the fix, any suggestions?


<telerik:RadScheduler ID="rdSchedule" runat="server" Skin="Default"
    AdvancedForm-Enabled="False" AllowDelete="False" AllowEdit="False"
    AllowInsert="False" EnableAdvancedForm="False" FirstDayOfWeek="Monday"
    HoursPanelTimeFormat="htt" LastDayOfWeek="Friday"
    ReadOnly="True" ShowViewTabs="false" ValidationGroup="Displays"
    SelectedView="MonthView" ShowHoursColumn="False" ShowResourceHeaders="False" TimelineView-UserSelectable="false"
    Visible="False" OverflowBehavior="Expand" MonthView-VisibleAppointmentsPerDay="25" MonthView-AdaptiveRowHeight="true">
    <WeekView UserSelectable="False" />
    <Localization AdvancedAllDayEvent="All day"></Localization>
    <DayView UserSelectable="False" />

2 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Chris Trina
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 28 Dec 2015, 05:56 PM
Also, here is
@import url(../Includes/NotifyBar/jquery.notifyBar.css);
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.UserMessage td
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.RadPanelBar_Default .rpGroup .rpOut {
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.RadPanelBar_Default .rpGroup .rpOut:hover {
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.RadPanelBar_Default .rpGroup a.rpSelected,
.RadPanelBar_Default .rpGroup a.rpSelected:hover,
.RadPanelBar_Default .rpGroup a.rpSelected .rpOut,
.RadPanelBar_Default .rpGroup a.rpSelected .rpOut:hover {
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.RadUpload INPUT
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.RadUpload .ruCancel, .RadUpload .ruRemove
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.RadWindow .rwWindowContent .radconfirm
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the CSS file assigned to this page.
Chris Trina
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 28 Dec 2015, 08:38 PM
please ignore this, I figured it out.  I had to set the color attribute in the data I was binding to the calendar.
Asked by
Chris Trina
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Chris Trina
Top achievements
Rank 1
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