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Application with Multi language

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Ilyas Sapiyan
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Rank 1
Ilyas Sapiyan asked on 30 Jul 2010, 05:22 AM
Dear All,

I am building the project  by Telerik Tool . And  user Interface will be multi language .  
It can support for English, Japanese, German  …….
--- now i face with got two problems ---

I have no enough resource file for the translation  .
So can you give me all resource file of Telerik Tools , 

For example
Resource file for the RadGrid.  (RadGrid.<culture>.resx)
Resource file for the Radeditor (RadEditor.<culture>.resx)
Resource file for the RadSpell  (RadSpell.<culture>.resx)

i don't khow ,How many languages that are supported in Telerik Tool .
Can you give me resource file of all languages that Telerik Tool are supporting  ?

Thanks and Best Regards

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Telerik team
answered on 30 Jul 2010, 09:08 AM
Hello Ilyas,

I think that the support resources below will get you started:

Additionally, we will appreciate if you post your localized Japanese versions in our code library under the 'Localization' category linked above. Thus we will reward you with some Telerik points which  can be used as a discount for future purchases/upgrades of our AJAX components.

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Ilyas Sapiyan
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Telerik team
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