We are using a modal RADWindow as a status indicator while running clientside JavaScript. When the user clicks a button we are opening a RADWindow and then calling another clientside function that runs for about 3 minutes (we are downloading data of an attached USB based medical device using a local activeX dll). The RadWindow has an animated gif and some text that tells the user that we are processing data. In order to get the window to open we are waiting 1 second before calling the script that runs for 3 minutes.
The window opens fine and the animated gif spins for the 1 second but stops as soon as the second function is called. The gif will spin again once the second function has finshed.
Is there any way around the gif stalling during the longer java script process?
The window opens fine and the animated gif spins for the 1 second but stops as soon as the second function is called. The gif will spin again once the second function has finshed.
Is there any way around the gif stalling during the longer java script process?