I'm in the process of creating a custom skin who's css file is an embedded resource following the steps defined here.
I have a problem when I set Skin="Custom" and EnableEmbeddedSkins="false". The calendar icon for the date picker disappears because the end HTML tag ends up as:
The problem is the src attribute is wrong, and I can't find a way to change it within the radScheduler properties.
The radDatePicker gives us the option to change the DataPopupButton HoverImageUrl, and ImageUrl properties, is there something similar in radScheduler? If not, is there any other way to access the image source via aspx markup syntax or css?
I have a problem when I set Skin="Custom" and EnableEmbeddedSkins="false". The calendar icon for the date picker disappears because the end HTML tag ends up as:
<img style="border-width: 0px;" |
alt="Open the calendar popup." |
src="datePickerPopup.gif" |
id="RadScheduler1_SelectedDatePicker_CalendarPopupButton"/> |
The radDatePicker gives us the option to change the DataPopupButton HoverImageUrl, and ImageUrl properties, is there something similar in radScheduler? If not, is there any other way to access the image source via aspx markup syntax or css?