I've added a RadAjaxPanel around a custom control, called YesNoControl, which shows radio buttons for Yes, No, N/A (N/A is optional).
The YesNoControl has a Changed event that fires when the Value changes, and I've told this event to hide or show a div from just underneath it. This works perfectly, as far as I can tell.
The issue I have is with the LoadingPanel. It only appears when clicking No. When I click Yes, the div appears correctly, but no Loading Panel. When I click No, the Loading Panel appears and the div is hidden.
I've got it showing the N/A radio button to test it further, and the Loading Panel only appears when Yes has been selected and No or N/A is then clicked.
Has anyone got an idea what may be causing this or how to get around it?
The YesNoControl has a Changed event that fires when the Value changes, and I've told this event to hide or show a div from just underneath it. This works perfectly, as far as I can tell.
The issue I have is with the LoadingPanel. It only appears when clicking No. When I click Yes, the div appears correctly, but no Loading Panel. When I click No, the Loading Panel appears and the div is hidden.
I've got it showing the N/A radio button to test it further, and the Loading Panel only appears when Yes has been selected and No or N/A is then clicked.
Has anyone got an idea what may be causing this or how to get around it?