I am populating a Rad Scheduler using a WCF services, some of the items cannot be deleted so I have set AllowDelete to be false this does not seem to work and when I hover over the appointment the delete image still appears.
I have also tried to set some other information based on whether the appointment is a parent or child and this does not seem to work either, see my code below. The subject of the appointment changes to be either "Parent: ...." or "Child: ...." so the IF statement is working correctly. But the other changes I am trying to make do not seem to work correctly.
Am I adding the appointments incorrectly/is there another way to do this that will work.
Public Overloads Overrides Function GetAppointments(ByVal Owner As RadScheduler) As IEnumerable(Of Appointment)
Dim AppointmentsList As New List(Of Appointment)
'get a list of appointments to add and put them in the list above
Do While Rs.ReadNext
Dim AppointmentItem As New Appointment
AppointmentItem.Start = Slot.Start_DT.Value
AppointmentItem.End = Slot.End_DT.Value
AppointmentItem.AllowEdit = False
AppointmentItem.ID = Slot.GUI.Value
If Slot.ParentGUI.IsNull Then
AppointmentItem.Subject = "Parent: " & Slot.Name.Value
AppointmentItem.AllowDelete = False
AppointmentItem.ContextMenuID = "SchedulerAppointmentContextMenuDelete"
AppointmentItem.Subject = "Child: " & Slot.Name.Value
AppointmentItem.RecurrenceParentID = Slot.ParentGUI.Value
AppointmentItem.AllowDelete = False
AppointmentItem.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black
AppointmentItem.ForeColor = Drawing.Color.Pink
AppointmentItem.ContextMenuID = "SchedulerAppointmentContextMenuNothing"
' have tried this too, AppointmentItem.ContextMenuID = Nothing
End If
Return AppointmentsList
End Function