I am using RadMaskedNumericInput, I have set the max and min and i have allow null to true, I want the users to be able to delete everything in the text box. But the first time user hit backspace it puts a zero in the text box, if i hit backspace again it will remove the zero.
is there i way to prevent the first zero.
And the interesting thing is that the binding value is set to null the first time i hit backspace, so the UI is 0 but the binding value is null, then when i hit backspace again to get rid of 0 the setter is never called.
Vikas Mittal
<telerik:RadMaskedNumericInput Mask="" MaskedInput:MaskedInputExtensions.Maximum="99999999"
TextMode="MaskedText" MaskedInput:MaskedInputExtensions.AllowNull="True"
Width="100" IsClearButtonVisible="False" Height="30" HorizontalAlignment="Center"
Style="{StaticResource SvtRadMaskedNumericInputStyle}" Value="{Binding Frequency, NotifyOnValidationError=True}"/>