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AJAX Manager Control Hierarchy

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ADe asked on 20 Jul 2008, 02:17 PM
Is there a Hierarchy with the controls that can be linked to one-another?

The reason I ask is because I have a RadSplitter that contains 2 RadPanes separated by a RadSplitBar. The first RadPane (left) contains a RadTreeView control and when the user clicks a node in the tree I want to change the ContentURL of the second RadPane (right).

The problem occurs when I add a RadAjaxManager and in the first pane I select the RadTreeView as the control I want to initiate the callback. I then select the second RadPane as the receiver.

When the user clicks a node in the tree the following error pops up,

Sys.InvalidOperationException: Could not find UpdatePanel with ID 'ctl00_ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder_radPaneContentPanel'. If it is being updated dynamically then it must be inside another UpdatePanel.

I was wondering if it was the hierarchy causing the problem as in the RadPane receiving the callback is one level above the RadTreeView initiating it in terms of the control hierarchy,

 - radSplitter
      - radPaneNavigation
           - radTreeView
      - radSplitBar
      - radPaneContent

If it's not that then could someone please explain what the hell is going on...?

To get around the problem I even tried to setup the XJAXing programatically directly on the tree nodes themselves when I dynamically create them but that didn't seem to work at all and I've opened another thread on that topic (Configuring RadAjaxManager Programatically).

One of these ways has to work. Am I doing something really stupid???

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Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
answered on 21 Jul 2008, 07:00 AM
Hello ADe,

RadSlidingPane, RadPane, and RadSplitBar controls can not be updated directly with an Ajax Manager control.
When you want to update the content of a RadPane (or RadSlidingPane) control, just add an asp:Panel control (or any other container control that runs on the server) inside the pane and update the panel instead the RadPane (or RadSlidingPane).

Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team

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answered on 21 Jul 2008, 02:38 PM
Nope, still get the same error (obviously the ID is different).
John Snyder
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answered on 10 Nov 2008, 02:38 PM

You said that the "RadSlidingPane, RadPane, and RadSplitBar controls can not be updated directly with an Ajax Manager control".  Why is this?  I have a page that when I click a button I want to modify the behaviors of these controls.  Is my only option to reload the page and load them properly the first time the page loads?

For a little more background, I have the following architecture:

In some situations I want the RadPane to be collapsed and other times I want it expanded.  At the same time I sometimes want the SplitBar's mode to be none and other times I want it to be forward.  This purely depends on what I am doing on the page.  I wanted to change these properties when I click the button without having to reload the page.

This seems very odd to me and I would love to know why this is and if there is a plan to change it.

Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
answered on 10 Nov 2008, 02:42 PM
Hi Dustin DeFoe,

Please refer to the following help topic which elaborates on this matter. Review the provided approach and let us know if this helps.

All the best,
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team

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Maria Ilieva
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John Snyder
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