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AdvancedForm closing will not rebind scheduler

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Hardy asked on 03 Sep 2020, 04:27 PM


I have setup an application like the example shown to replace the edit form of the appointment.

In AdvancedForm user can enter data and save by clicking a button.

While that doesn't clos the AdvancedForm I set the OnClientClicked property of that button to call a js.

The AdvancedForm will be closed and for a short time there is a busy sign. But the scheduler doesn't update the display (new appointments doesn't appear).

When refreshing the scheduler (F5) the appointment will be displayed.

Before I had set the OnClientClicked methode and closing the AdvancedForm manually scheduler update was ok.

My script in AdvancedForm.ASPX is like that:

function btnSpeichern_Clicked(sender,args)

The script from the scheduler is

            function refreshScheduler() {
                var ajaxManager = $find("RadAjaxManager1");

These function will be executed when closing the AdvancedForm. But the display is not correct (new appointment is missing or updated appointment shown as before).

Any idea?



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Peter Milchev
Telerik team
answered on 08 Sep 2020, 08:30 AM

Hello Hardy,

Generally, the RadWindow and the RadScheduler should not be related in any way. That means you need to ensure the RadWindow updated the database before closing, which then should trigger the Scheduler rebind. 

You can even use the server-side event that updates the database from the RadWindow to register a script that will close the window and then rebind the scheduler:

If the issue persists, you can open a private support thread where you can share your whole implementation. Once we have a better understanding of your exact scenario, we would be able to provide more accurate and specific suggestions.

Peter Milchev
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Peter Milchev
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