According to the given screen shot i have added a Skill as a Resource Type for rad scheduler. but i need to display some additional columns such as employee name who has the skills and i know it is possible to display multiple content within a single resource. the requirement is to display multiple content in multiple columns. below code explain how i have achieved the result in screen shot.
RadScheduler1.GroupBy = "EmployeeInfo";
RadScheduler1.GroupingDirection = GroupingDirection.Vertical;
RadScheduler1.SelectedDate =new DateTime( DateTime.Now.Year,DateTime.Now.Month,1);
RadScheduler1.TimelineView.NumberOfSlots = DateTime.DaysInMonth(RadScheduler1.SelectedDate.Year, RadScheduler1.SelectedDate.Month);
RadScheduler1.DataRecurrenceParentKeyField = "RecurrenceParentID";
ResourceType rt = new ResourceType("EmployeeInfo");
rt.DataSource = Employees;
rt.KeyField = "EmployeeNo";
rt.ForeignKeyField = "EmployeeNo";
rt.TextField = "Skill";
rt.Name = "EmployeeInfo";
RadScheduler1.ResourceTypes.Add(rt); is there any possibility to display multiple columns or group by multiple resource types? my second resource type is given below ResourceType rt1 = new ResourceType("FirstName");
rt1.DataSource = Employees;
rt1.KeyField = "EmployeeNo";
rt1.ForeignKeyField = "EmployeeNo";
rt1.TextField = "FirstName";
rt1.Name = "FirstName";
RadScheduler1.ResourceTypes.Add(rt1); if i set RadScheduler1.GroupBy = "EmployeeInfo,FirstName"; it only display the first resource type in the resource type
RadScheduler1.GroupBy = "EmployeeInfo";
RadScheduler1.GroupingDirection = GroupingDirection.Vertical;
RadScheduler1.SelectedDate =new DateTime( DateTime.Now.Year,DateTime.Now.Month,1);
RadScheduler1.TimelineView.NumberOfSlots = DateTime.DaysInMonth(RadScheduler1.SelectedDate.Year, RadScheduler1.SelectedDate.Month);
RadScheduler1.DataRecurrenceParentKeyField = "RecurrenceParentID";
ResourceType rt = new ResourceType("EmployeeInfo");
rt.DataSource = Employees;
rt.KeyField = "EmployeeNo";
rt.ForeignKeyField = "EmployeeNo";
rt.TextField = "Skill";
rt.Name = "EmployeeInfo";
RadScheduler1.ResourceTypes.Add(rt); is there any possibility to display multiple columns or group by multiple resource types? my second resource type is given below ResourceType rt1 = new ResourceType("FirstName");
rt1.DataSource = Employees;
rt1.KeyField = "EmployeeNo";
rt1.ForeignKeyField = "EmployeeNo";
rt1.TextField = "FirstName";
rt1.Name = "FirstName";
RadScheduler1.ResourceTypes.Add(rt1); if i set RadScheduler1.GroupBy = "EmployeeInfo,FirstName"; it only display the first resource type in the resource type