I am adding many MapLayer and RadClientDataSource controls dinamically from server side like this:
RadClientDataSource newDataSource = new RadClientDataSource();
newDataSource.DataSource.WebServiceDataSourceSettings.ServiceType = ClientDataSourceServiceType.GeoJSON;
newDataSource.DataSource.WebServiceDataSourceSettings.Select.Url = "GeoJsonConverter.ashx?id=" + SessionID;
newDataSource.DataSource.WebServiceDataSourceSettings.Select.DataType = ClientDataSourceDataType.JSON;
newDataSource.ID = SessionID;
MapLayer mapLayer = new MapLayer();
mapLayer.Shape = "redMarker";
mapLayer.Type = LayerType.Shape;
mapLayer.Opacity = 1;
mapLayer.ClientDataSourceID = newDataSource.ID;
Everything is working as i expect but one thing, the CSS class for the markers being created are "pinTarget" and not my custom "redMarker"
In firebug i can see the css class for the markers added to every mapLayer is: "k-marker k-marker-pin-target"
when i was expecting: "k-marker k-marker-red-marker"
What am i doing wrong?
Thanks for the support!