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Adding A Webservice Enabled Tooltip To RadComboBox Item

2 Answers 71 Views
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Paul Herzberg
Top achievements
Rank 1
Paul Herzberg asked on 10 Aug 2012, 10:22 AM

I sucessfully added a radtooltip to a RadList control by using the ItemDataBound event using this code in the page:

    <telerik:RadToolTipManager ID="radToolTipManager1" runat="server" HideEvent="LeaveTargetAndToolTip"
    Width="250" Height="100" RelativeTo="Element" Position="MiddleRight" ShowDelay="500" >
    <WebServiceSettings Method="GetToolTipData" Path="~/Services/ToolTipWebService.asmx" />

And this in the code behind
 void RadListBoxSource_ItemDataBound(object sender, RadListBoxItemEventArgs e)
    if (e.Item is RadListBoxItem)
            this.radToolTipManager1.TargetControls.Add(e.Item.ClientID, (e.Item as RadListBoxItem).Value, true);
The value is an ID that can be used to return a list from the webservice (in this case a list of Departments the hovered over person works for).

I tried to adapt this code for a RadComboBox on the same page, but no ToolTip is shown.

void ddPerson_ItemDataBound(object sender, RadComboBoxItemEventArgs e)
   if (e.Item is RadComboBoxItem)
      this.radToolTipManager1.TargetControls.Add(e.Item.ClientID, (e.Item as RadComboBoxItem).Value, true);

Is there a step that I am missing? The ClientID for the item when I add a breakpoint is something like "i0" which doesn't seem long enough.

Thank you for your help

Paul Herzberg

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Marin Bratanov
Telerik team
answered on 13 Aug 2012, 12:42 PM
Hello Paul,

You would need to first set the id attribute of each item from the code-behind, because combo box items do not have an ID by design - they have only text and value:
e.Item.Attributes.Add("id", e.Item.ClientID);
this.radToolTipManager1.TargetControls.Add(e.Item.ClientID, (e.Item as RadComboBoxItem).Value, true);

For your convenience I am attaching here a simple page that shows this in action. I have replaced the webservice with an AJAX call to simplify the sample and get it all in two runnable files.

An alternative I can suggest is to use the RadToolTipManager's client-side API along with the RadComboBox's OnClientFocus event to create tooltips on the client, e.g.:
function OnClientFocusHandler(sender, eventArgs)
    var items = sender.get_items();
    var tooltipManager = $find("<%= radToolTipManager1.ClientID%>");
    for (i = 0; i < items.get_count(); i++)
        var li = items.getItem(i).get_element(); = items.getItem(i).get_value();
        var tooltip = tooltipManager.getToolTipByElement(li);
        if (!tooltip)
            tooltip = tooltipManager.createToolTip(li);
            //for static text, for load-on-demand leave it commented

which will not require OnItemDataBound handler. I am attaching a page with this logic as well.

All the best,
Marin Bratanov
the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
Paul Herzberg
Top achievements
Rank 1
answered on 14 Aug 2012, 08:20 AM
Thank you for your prompt reply. That worked perfectly.


Asked by
Paul Herzberg
Top achievements
Rank 1
Answers by
Marin Bratanov
Telerik team
Paul Herzberg
Top achievements
Rank 1
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