I have web service that return a json object like this
fieldOne : "valueOne",
fieldTwo : "valueTwo",
fieldThree : "valueThree",
fieldFour : [{innerFieldOne : "iValueOne" , innerFieldTwo : "iValueTwo" }]
in fieldFour array some times it will not contain objects. It can be contain maximum 4 objects.
What I want is in the grid add a new button and give a availability to update fieldFour. I need a new popup to edit and delete to fieldFour values beside default edit popup.(simply I need default edit popup and fieldFour edit popup) In that fieldFour edit popup can I add and remove the object ??
Ex : if I add a object to fieldFour it will look like this....
fieldFour : [{innerFieldOne : "iValueOne" , innerFieldTwo : "iValueTwo" } , {innerFieldOne : "iValueOne" , innerFieldTwo : "iValueTwo" }]
Can this do in using Kendo UI Grid ??