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Access parent radgrid datasource from child RadMaskedTextBox in aspx page

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Neil asked on 05 Nov 2019, 09:02 PM


  Pretty new to telerik. I have a radgrid which has a RadMaskedTextBox child control. I have been able to use <ClientEvents OnLoad to get the value typed into the RadMaskedTextBox using the onchanged event using clientside javascript . I also need to pass other values from the Radgrid's datasource which is a datatable. 

   I am trying to get to the radgrid datasource inside of the RadMaskedTextBox declaration using server tags and the clientid. I'm not sure this is possible or if I need to get the values in the javascript code. Here is what I am trying to do and doesn't work. It isn't complete but it's clear that what I've done so far isn't working. The cboCBH.ClientID is not returning a control but the generated RadMaskedTextBox (seen in view source) code shows "cboCBH.ClientID " and not an actual controlid. The demo.getInputValue works as long as I don't pass the $find and pass nothing. I'm trying to pass the radgrid datasource. Here's what I have so far.


     <telerik:RadScriptBlock runat="server" ID="whocares"><telerik:RadMaskedTextBox ID="cboCBH" runat="server" Width="80px" Mask="##.##" onchange="demo.getInputValue($find('<%=cboCBH.ClientID %>').NamingContainer)">  <ClientEvents OnLoad="demo.load" /></telerik:RadMaskedTextBox></telerik:RadScriptBlock>


Here's the "onload code":

      ; (function () {

            var demoInputControl;

            var id;

            var demo = window.demo = {};

            function getServerId(clientId) {

                return clientId.indexOf("_") > -1 ? clientId.replace(/.+_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/m, "$1") : clientId;


            demo.load = function (sender, args) {

                demoInputControl = sender;

                id = getServerId(demoInputControl.get_id()) + " ";


            demo.getDemoInputControl = function () {

                return demoInputControl;


            demo.setInputValue = function (id2) {

                var valueTbx = $telerik.findControl(document.forms[0], id2);



            demo.getInputValue = function (other) {

                alert(id + "value is: " + demoInputControl.get_value());


            demo.setEmptyMessage = function (id2) {

                var valueTbx = $telerik.findControl(document.forms[0], id2);



            demo.getEmptyMessage = function () {

                alert(id + "EmptyMessage is: " + demoInputControl.get_emptyMessage());


            demo.setMaxValue = function (id2) {

                var valueTbx = $telerik.findControl(document.forms[0], id2);




            demo.getMaxValue = function () {

                alert(id + "MaxValue is: " + demoInputControl.get_maxValue());


            demo.showNumberFormat = function () {

                var numberFormat = demoInputControl.get_numberFormat();

                var output = "";

                for (var prop in numberFormat) {

                    output += prop + ": " + numberFormat[prop] + "\n";






Will this work? Or do I need to get the radgrid datasource from inside a javascript function?



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answered on 08 Nov 2019, 03:43 PM

Hi Neil,


Generally, you can achieve all this using server-side approach. I suppose the maskbox is inside the grid, therefore, you can use the Bind expression:

Here is a live sample you can check:

Namely, this part:

                                                <telerik:RadMaskedTextBox RenderMode="Lightweight" ID="HomePhoneBox" runat="server" SelectionOnFocus="SelectAll"
                                                    Text='<%# Bind("HomePhone") %>' PromptChar="_" Mask="(###) ###-####"
If you still want to use a client-side logic, I suggest that you try using the OnValueChanged event handler where you will have the sender object automatically:

Furthermore, this article can help you get a better grasp of accessing Telerik controls on client-side:

And also, RadGrid provides built-in masked column if you want to check it:

I hope this info will help you out.


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