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A couple of skinning problems

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-DJ- asked on 03 Aug 2008, 07:50 PM
Hi guys,

As far as I can tell the class .radCalToday_SkinName is never applied.

What's the reason for not using css to define the navigation arrows? I realize we can state special navigation and fastnavigation images, but how would one add some hover effect?

The same goes for the textboxes in date- and timepickers.
I added a class I didn't find in any of the skins I looked at called .radEnabledCss_Skinname, but I cannot access hover attributes without writing some javascript and try to override the default settings from there.

Is it really an ideal approach to embed these attributes from somewhere else, rather than simply using the skin css files?


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Telerik team
answered on 04 Aug 2008, 10:16 AM
Hi -DJ-,

To your questions:

1) In order to see the today's day CSS class applied, you need to use the approach described here:

RadCalendar - Today's Date Online Example

2) CSS arrows instead of regular images will be used in the next major version of RadCalendar, which will feature some other HTML/CSS optimizations as well (at this moment I cannot say when this will be implemented).

3) You can control the hover state of RadInput and RadDateTimePicker textboxes by using the following CSS class:


Let us know if you need further advice.

the Telerik team

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answered on 04 Aug 2008, 12:52 PM
Hi Dimo.

1) I managed to get the today class working, but I still needed to add some more definitions to the stylesheet.

Consider this scenario:

            <telerik:radcalendarday repeatable="Today" date=""
                <ItemStyle CssClass="radCalToday_D10Ruby1" ForeColor="red" /> 


    colorred !Important; 
    bordersolid 1px #fff

renders like this

<td class="radCalDefault_D10Ruby1 radCalToday_D10Ruby1" title="mánudagur, Ã¡gúst 04, 2008" style="color:Red;"><href="#" onclick="return false;" >4</a></td

so the border and background definitions are applied, but not the font-color, not even after you add the forecolor definition to the special day template.

Once you add

.radCalToday_D10Ruby1 a 
    color: Red; 

we are back in business.

2) I don't mind the current setup that much, apart from the fact that you cannot hover images for the nav and fastnav buttons. It's still not ideal if you are creating skins that don't use images with default names or if they aren't gif images. But good to know you are bringing the calendars behaviour towards the other controls.

3) These classes are applied automatically as far as I can tell, all you have to do is create the hover images, make sure they are gif files and named correctly.

P.S. Are you planning to make the calendar databindable?


Telerik team
answered on 05 Aug 2008, 10:36 AM
Hi -DJ-,

1) Yes indeed, you cannot set color in ItemStyle, because links do not inherit color styles. That is why, it is much better to use CSS classes and define all custom styles in external stylesheets, rather than use inline styles in the HTML output. This is a general recommendation to save bandwidth and speed up websites. I am afraid there is no way to make ItemStyle distinguish which styles to be applied to the table cell, and which - to the link inside the cell.

2) I agree, that is why we are planning the described improvements in the rendering.

As for you question about a databindable calendar, we have had no such intentions so far. However, you are welcome to explain what would you like to have as a feature and we may consider implementing it in the future.

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answered on 05 Aug 2008, 12:45 PM
Ok Dimo, I would like to press the databinding functionality.

I myself don't use the telerik calendar often because it doesn't support databinding.

I've been using this calendar for years instead:

That way I can easily display a true event calendar.

In the examples below you can see two versions of this event calendar, a small one with icons only and a larger one with text.

Telerik team
answered on 05 Aug 2008, 02:03 PM
Hi -DJ-,

Well, the functionality, which you have shown us on the provided links, is available in RadScheduler (including the databinding capability).

RadScheduler Overview

RadScheduler Application Scenario

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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answered on 08 Aug 2008, 10:32 PM
Hey Dimo,

I have to admit I have never taken a serious look at the Scheduler since it wasn't a part of the old control suite. Once again, thanks for the info.

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