The Report Viewer is showing:
FirstName Position Age
Fred Engineer 45
Harold Janitor 36
FirstName Position Age
Sally Secretary 32
Mary Attorney 33
I want to show this:
Jones -------------------------------------------------------
FirstName: Fred
Position: Engineer
Age: 45
FirstName: Harold
Position: Janitor
Age: 36
Smith ----------------------------------------------------------
FirstName: Sally
Position: Secretary
Age: 32
FirstName: Mary
Position: Attorney
Age: 33
Notice how those who share the same last name are under the same LastName header.
I want to have a row layout not a column layout.
Is this possible?
Also, how do you page break? The Report Viewer keeps doing this:
------------------------------ PAGE BREAK --------------------------
FirstName Position Age
Fred Engineer 45
Harold Janitor 36
It's splitting my groups up.
Any suggestions?