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Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: ItemHierarchicalIndex

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Karl asked on 22 Jan 2013, 10:05 AM

I have a grid which is similar to the following demo:

In this grid I have Radbuttons which toggle on/off and adjust some figuress. On each toggle button I have a javascript function which calls a web service, which calls a store proc. After this I then attempt to rebind the grid on the client side like so
var masterTable = $find( result ).get_masterTableView();

When I debug the project I get this error:
Specified argument was out of the range of valid values. Parameter name: ItemHierarchicalIndex

I'm also using the follow code to keep the nestedviews expanded, if I don't use it every change would cause the grid to collapse
void rg_ItemDataBound(object sender, GridItemEventArgs e)
        //Expand all items using our custom storage
        string[] indexes = new string[this.ExpandedStates.Keys.Count];
        this.ExpandedStates.Keys.CopyTo(indexes, 0);
        ArrayList arr = new ArrayList(indexes);
        //Sort so we can guarantee that a parent item is expanded before any of
        //its children
        foreach (string key in arr)
            bool value = (bool)this.ExpandedStates[key];
            if (value)
                rg.Items[key].Expanded = true;
void rg_ItemCommand(object sender, GridCommandEventArgs e)
        //if (e.CommandName == RadGrid.ExpandCollapseCommandName && !e.Item.Expanded)
        if (e.CommandName == RadGrid.ExpandCollapseCommandName)
            this.ExpandedStates[e.Item.ItemIndexHierarchical] = true;
 private Hashtable _ordersExpandedState;
    private Hashtable ExpandedStates
            if (this._ordersExpandedState == null)
                _ordersExpandedState = this.Session["_ordersExpandedState"] as Hashtable;
                if (_ordersExpandedState == null)
                    _ordersExpandedState = new Hashtable();
                    this.Session["_ordersExpandedState"] = _ordersExpandedState;
            return this._ordersExpandedState;


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Telerik team
answered on 25 Jan 2013, 09:17 AM

Thank you for contacting us.

How you are binding RadGrid on the client or on the server side? The client-side TableView.Rebind() performs a postback and call Rebind method of RadGrid on the server. Could you share your full page source code along with the code-behind file content? Thus I will be able to examine your code and let you know what could possibly lead to this behavior.

I am looking forward your reply.

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