Hi, first time posting here so let me know if I'm doing anything wrong.
I'm using a RadAsyncUploader to stash a file on S3. When a file is selected, it gets put into a virtual directory. Then when the "submit" button is clicked, the file is grabbed from the virtual directory and uploaded to S3. When I'm doing all of this locally, the whole process works perfectly fine. However, when I put the code on a server, I get a 500 error on file selection. I believe that this means that the RadAsyncUploader can't find the virtual directory.
Any ideas on why this is happening? I'll put the html where the uploader is defined below:
<telerik:RadAsyncUpload ID="radULDocument" runat="server" CssClass="ppUpload" MaxFileSize="10240000" AllowedFileExtensions="jpg,pdf,png" TargetFolder="~/tempImageUpload/original" AutoAddFileInputs="false" PostbackTriggers="btnSubmit" OnClientAdded="uploadLoaded" OnClientFileUploaded="fileUploaded" Localization-Select="Browse" Localization-Remove="Remove" />