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Christian asked on 23 Sep 2010, 07:46 AM
Dear Telerik-Team,

how can I restrict/limitate a RadDock only to a RadDockZone. Currently it is posile to place a RadDock everywhere on the page. I want to limitate the RadDock to the RadDockZone. But how?

Thanks in advanced.

Kind regards

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answered on 23 Sep 2010, 09:53 AM
Hello Christan,

You should use either of the following properties:
  • ForbiddenZones - specifies the zones where the dock is not allowed to dock
  • AllowedZones - specifies the zones where the dock is allowed to dock

AllowedZones was introduced in the latest official release, Q2 2010.

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answered on 24 Sep 2010, 08:08 AM


Dear Pero,

Sorry but you misunderstood my question. I know the properties Allowed- and ForbiddenZones. But that’s not the behavior I want.

If you drag a RadDock you can place it everywhere on the page. Also outside of a RadDockZone, but this behavior I don't want. It must be only possible to place a RadDock in a RadDockZone or nowhere on the page!

Kind regards

Telerik team
answered on 24 Sep 2010, 09:03 AM
Hello Uwe,

Thank you for the clarification. I believe the DockMode property will help you achieve the desired behavior. Set it to Docked and the dock can reside only in zones, it cannot be placed on the page. Here is a demo showing this:

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answered on 24 Sep 2010, 09:32 AM
Dear Pero,

thanks for you reply.

Yes this is the half way to the solution I'm looking for. :) But I want to give the user the possibility to place the RadDock in the RadDockZone without restricted to a raster. It must be possible to place the RadDock in a RadDockZone and to pin point it to a position within the RadDockZone!

Kind Regards
Telerik team
answered on 24 Sep 2010, 10:18 AM
Hi Uwe,

This cannot be achieved with the RadDock control. I suppose you are talking about the RestrictionZone functionality of the RadWindow control, as shown in the following demo: Maybe you should try switching to the RadWindow control for this specific scenario. The window also has ContentTemplate, where you can add controls and custom content.

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answered on 24 Sep 2010, 11:56 AM
Dear Pero,

thanks a lot. I know that the RadWIndow achieve this behavior, but if I add a lot of RadWindows the performence is pure and the screen flickers. Is this a normal behavior? And also unfortunaltly the RadWindow don't maintain its viewstate so its a lot of work to archive also this.

Kind Regards
Telerik team
answered on 29 Sep 2010, 03:50 PM
Hi Uwe,

The RadWindow has the feature that you want and I recommend you to use that control in order to achieve the desired result. Indeed, you need to manually maintain the settings of the RadWindows, because they do not persist their state.

The flickering which occurs is not an expected behavior and I am not quite sure what is causing this problem in your case. Could you please send me a runnable project (you need to open a new support ticket) which shows the flickering behavior? I will check it and do my bets to provide a working solution as soon as possible.

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the Telerik team
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