hello, after install latest internal build 729 i have no empty reporting template in class library when i add a new element.
please can you check this issue?
thanks ...
We will need more information in order to investigate your issue such os/ide versions. Please make sure that you have covered the Telerik Reportings System Requirements.
The latest Telerik Reporting Q1 SP1 release installs the item templates in Visual Studio and you should not have such problems. One approach is to add manually the templates by copying the attached templates in the respective folder (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\CSharp\Reporting and C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\ItemTemplates\VisualBasic\Reporting) and after that you should open VS cmd prompt and run devenv /InstallVSTemplates.
Possible reason for the missing templates is if the reporting installer did not detect VS on your machine (in case Visual Studio installation is corrupted or messed up because of prior versions). You can try repairing it and installing Telerik Reporting again.
Another possibility is deselecting Visual Studio support during Telerik Reporting install. If this is the case our suggestion is to uninstall and reinstall it, including support for the appropriate VS from the options.
If you are running under Vista or Windows 7, you must start the Telerik Reporting installer as administrator, to avoid such quirks.
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