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Radgrid Edit Mode - Capture Enter Key and Fire Update

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Sekhar asked on 29 Jun 2010, 03:19 AM

i am using Rad grid , which contains Add,Edit, Delete image controls.  
if i am editing the first row and press enter key ,update method is called, if i edit other than first row the delete method is called. 
What should i do to prohibit this.

In the edit mode , if i press enter key it should call update method only, please let me know how can i achieve this..


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Telerik team
answered on 29 Jun 2010, 02:00 PM
Hello Sekhar,

In case you would like to use the keyboard to initiate edit and update operations for RadGrid for ASP.NET AJAX, consider enabling the keyboard navigation feature of the control as illustrated on this example:

Note that you need to focus the Update/Insert or Cancel key first (using the TAB key) and then press ENTER to process the action.

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