I had some code in a server side event where it would build a RadWindow and try to open it up from a record on a RadGrid.
After unsuccessfully trying, I removed the AjaxSettings block for that particular control from my markup within the RadAjaxManager and the window popped up. Unfortuantely, the grid now posts back and is not ajaxified anymore which is very annoying.
What I did was to put the AjaxSettings back and use the following instead of building the RadWindow:
string s = "window.open('../scan/viewChart.aspx','_blank','width=1000,height=600,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes\');";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "alert", s, true);
This works fine, but was wondering if there is anyother way to keep the grid ajaxified and to launch a window without using window.open.
After unsuccessfully trying, I removed the AjaxSettings block for that particular control from my markup within the RadAjaxManager and the window popped up. Unfortuantely, the grid now posts back and is not ajaxified anymore which is very annoying.
What I did was to put the AjaxSettings back and use the following instead of building the RadWindow:
string s = "window.open('../scan/viewChart.aspx','_blank','width=1000,height=600,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes\');";
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "alert", s, true);
This works fine, but was wondering if there is anyother way to keep the grid ajaxified and to launch a window without using window.open.
7 Answers, 1 is accepted
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answered on 18 Jun 2010, 07:20 AM
Hello William,
Have you tried showing the RadWindow using the approach described in the forum?
The documentation shows more information on this.
Setting Server-Side Properties
Have you tried showing the RadWindow using the approach described in the forum?
The documentation shows more information on this.
Setting Server-Side Properties
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answered on 18 Jun 2010, 05:02 PM
Shinu, yes...
I tried that exact same kind of code. By removing the AjaxSettings from the html for that grid where the control was, the window popped up fine; otherwise, if I left the AjaxSetting in there for the grid (to make it ajaxified), the window didn't pop up.
I also followed the server side setting properties link and did the same thing.
We are using the 2009.3.1314.35 version of the telerik controls.
I tried that exact same kind of code. By removing the AjaxSettings from the html for that grid where the control was, the window popped up fine; otherwise, if I left the AjaxSetting in there for the grid (to make it ajaxified), the window didn't pop up.
I also followed the server side setting properties link and did the same thing.
We are using the 2009.3.1314.35 version of the telerik controls.
Hello William,
Make sure that you ajaxify the RadWindow as well. If this doesn't help, please open a support ticket and send us a small sample project that can be run locally and that reproduces the problem. This will give us a better view over your exact setup and logic and we will be able to provide you with the most appropriate solution.
Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team
Make sure that you ajaxify the RadWindow as well. If this doesn't help, please open a support ticket and send us a small sample project that can be run locally and that reproduces the problem. This will give us a better view over your exact setup and logic and we will be able to provide you with the most appropriate solution.
Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team
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answered on 22 Jun 2010, 03:20 PM
Georgi, I tried as you suggested (see attached files), but the opening up of the RadWindow still didn't happen. When I set it back to my original code (window.open in the code_behind & didn't ajaxify the radwindow), it worked fine.
Please see the attached files as you requested. If you find out how to do it, version upgrade or bug fix, please let me know.
Please see the attached files as you requested. If you find out how to do it, version upgrade or bug fix, please let me know.
Hi Bill,
What I see from the screenshots of your code is that you have set the RadAjaxManager in such way that the grid updates itself and the RadWindowManager updates itself as well - i.e. there is no connection between these two controls. To be able to show the window when clicking a button in the grid, you should set the grid to update the RadWindowManager (see attached screenshot).
Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team
What I see from the screenshots of your code is that you have set the RadAjaxManager in such way that the grid updates itself and the RadWindowManager updates itself as well - i.e. there is no connection between these two controls. To be able to show the window when clicking a button in the grid, you should set the grid to update the RadWindowManager (see attached screenshot).
Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team
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answered on 25 Jun 2010, 04:26 PM
Georgi, your solution worked fine.
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answered on 27 Sep 2010, 11:31 AM
Excellent stuff, Georgi and Bill -- I had this exact same problem and the solution here worked for me too.