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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Hassan Thomas
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Hassan Thomas asked on 22 Apr 2010, 05:20 PM
I have a grid inside a webpart.  We have enabled paging.  The problem is that when the page renders it starts at one.  When you click the next arrow it will go to two.  But from there if you click the next arrow to go to page 3 it stays at two. Also when you clck LastPage it will go to the last page but if you click back one it will go back to page one instead. 

Also if I click lets say page 4 and click next it will go back to page 2??  Any help would be great.  I'm just not sure if I'm missing a property.


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Telerik team
answered on 23 Apr 2010, 11:03 AM
Hi Hassan,

I suppose that you are binding the grid using simple binding with DataBind() calls. If so you can transform your code to take advantage of the advanced binding with NeedDataSource handling. Thus you will be able to utilize features like paging, grouping, filtering, custom edit forms which are supported only with this type of binding or declarative data sources.

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Hassan Thomas
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