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Collapse all rows by default and show expand/collpase images for all rows having child rows

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Krishnan LN
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Krishnan LN asked on 23 Mar 2010, 08:57 AM

Im using the self referencing grid. By default all the rows are in expanded state but i want to collapse all rows and expand only on click.
I want to use Plus/Minus image instead of default button. But the plus/minus image appears only for parent row amd for the rest normal button is shown.

Following is the aspx grid definition

    <telerik:RadPageView ID="RadPageView2" runat="server">  
        <table border="0" visible= "false" width="100%">  
 <LNWCon:LNGrid ID="grdOrganization" EnableAJAX="True" ShowHeader="true" runat="server"   
Width= "97%" GridLines="None" OnColumnCreated="grdOrganization_ColumnCreated" OnItemCreated="grdOrganization_ItemCreated" 
           OnNeedDataSource= "grdOrganization_NeedDataSource" OnItemDataBound = "grdOrganization_ItemDataBound" OnItemCommand="grdOrganization_ItemCommand" Skin="Black" AutoGenerateColumns="False" > 
           <MasterTableView HierarchyDefaultExpanded="true" HierarchyLoadMode="Client" NoDetailRecordsText="No Records To Display" EnableNoRecordsTemplate="false" 
               DataKeyNames= "FolderId,ParentFolderId" Width="100%" HorizontalAlign="Right" ExpandCollapseColumn-ButtonType="ImageButton" ExpandCollapseColumn-CollapseImageUrl="../Images/minus.png" ExpandCollapseColumn-ExpandImageUrl="../Images/plus.png"  ExpandCollapseColumn-Visible="true"> 

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answered on 23 Mar 2010, 10:46 AM

You can set the HierarchyDefaultExpanded property of MasterTableView to false in order to collapse all rows when page initially loads. If you want to to customize the expand/collapse images for your inner GridTableView, then you can set the ExpandCollapseColumn-CollapseImageUrl/ExpandCollapseColumn-ExpandImageUrl properties for corresponding GridTableViews.

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Krishnan LN
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