for this i have taken one another Parent Radgrid inside the div tag and above 2 Radgrids are inserted into the ItemTemplate column of
Parent RadGrid,data for both child Radgrid binds on the Item_DataBound event of Parent Radgrid.Visibilty of div tag for Parnt Grid set to hidden.
I have used "GridGroupByExpression" and " GridGroupByField" for grouping of 1st Child grid
Data successully bind to both child Radgrid and for export to excel i have used "RadGrid.MasterTableView.ExportToExcel()"syntax
Data for both child Radgrid shows in one excel file
but my issue is that after exporting "grey colour patches" are shown in excel sheet for 1child Radgrid with grouping .
due to which data is not properly visible and overlapped by the grey colur patches.please find the attached file "Report1.xls" for reference.
on removing the grouping "grey colour patches" are not visible.
Any help or suggetion on how to remove "grey colur patches " will be Grateful.
setting for Parent Radgrid OpenInNewWindow="True" IgnorePaging="True" ExportOnlyData = "false"
code snippet for Grouping:
GridGroupByExpression expression = new GridGroupByExpression();
GridGroupByField gridGroupByField;
gridGroupByField = new GridGroupByField();
gridGroupByField.FieldName = ApplicationConstants.Reports.Name;
gridGroupByField.HeaderText = "Report";
gridGroupByField.HeaderValueSeparator = " : ";
gridGroupByField.FormatString = "<strong>{0}</strong>";
gridGroupByField = new GridGroupByField();
gridGroupByField.FieldName = ApplicationConstants.Reports.Name;
Code snippet for Export to excel:
RadGrid.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow = true;
RadGrid.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData = false;
RadGrid.ExportSettings.Excel.Format = GridExcelExportFormat.Html;
Environment details:
Asp.Net 3.5 version
OS : Windows server 2003
Internet explorer : ie 6.0