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Rick asked on 17 Mar 2009, 09:29 AM
I've just followed the instructions on the following articles to add Compression to my application

RadCompression Module
RadCompression for ViewState

In the ViewState compression article it mentions the possibility of shifting ViewState to the Session. This seems like a great idea. What are the pros and cons of this?

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answered on 17 Mar 2009, 12:17 PM
Hello Rick,

The main advantage to compress the viewstate and put it into the Session is that it will give you the best speed result when you have large amount of kilobytes that has to be compressed and transferred between the client and the server.

On the other hand, this may not be appropriate approach if you set small expiration internal for your Session state or will not work at all if you disable the Session state usage.

Therefore, you need to consider which approach (compressed viewstate only or compressed viewstate Session storage) is more appropriate for your configuration.  You may also examine the performance tests from the blog posts of our evangelist Todd Angin you found on this subject for more detailed comparison.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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