Hi Folks,
I've tried to display data from MS SQL Server 2005 using RadGrid. I've placed some GridBoundColumn which display the data. I've placed a GridButtonColumn too. In case I click this button (by row) I would like to update the SQL table.
I placed the code into protected void gBizonylatokJovahagyasa_ItemCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e) to handle the command.
the following code is responsible to get the command name:
I've tried to display data from MS SQL Server 2005 using RadGrid. I've placed some GridBoundColumn which display the data. I've placed a GridButtonColumn too. In case I click this button (by row) I would like to update the SQL table.
I placed the code into protected void gBizonylatokJovahagyasa_ItemCommand(object source, GridCommandEventArgs e) to handle the command.
the following code is responsible to get the command name:
string _BizonylatID = e.Item.OwnerTableView.DataKeyValues[e.Item.ItemIndex]["BizonylatID"].ToString();
string _commandname = e.CommandName;
so I wrote a method to run the sql UPDATE statement:
void AcceptCommand(string _BizonylatID)
so i've tried to test and clicked on Command on grid but nothing happaned?
what is the problem?
Zsolt Zombik