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RadWindow Questions

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JustinWong asked on 18 Dec 2008, 06:15 PM
Hi There:

I have 2 questions and would appreciate enlightment on them:

1. How do I automatically close the RadWindow right after it is loaded? Let me explain:

The radWinow has a url of "ChildPage.aspx"  When radWindow opens, the ChildPage.aspx's onLoad event runs and tests certain conditions (e.g.: are the querystring valid?) .  If the test fails, then I want to:
a. display an alert triggered by ChildPage.aspx's server-side onLoad event. e.g.: "This RadWindow will now closes because querystring is incorrectly passed.", and when user clicks ok,

b. the RadWindow closes itself.

2. Can I add value to the RadWindow's argument property server side?  For example, everytime I click an update button in the RadWindow, the page does a database update on the server-side.  If the update was successful,  I want the argument value to increase by 1.  So, when the Radwindow is finally closed, I can retrieve the Radwindow's argument value. 

Thanks for your help in advance!


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Georgi Tunev
Telerik team
answered on 19 Dec 2008, 04:59 PM
Hi Justin,

In all cases you need to output a JavaScript function that will deal with the RadWindow. To close a RadWindow from the server, you need to get a reference to it and then call its close() method - there are many topics in this forum that discuss this task. Note that outputting a JavaScript function from the server is a general ASP.NET task that is not related to RadControls - what approach you will choose depends entirely on you and your setup.

When you want to send a server-side value from RadWindow to the parent page, the logic stays basically the same - only before calling the close() method, you need to use GetRadWindow().BrowserWindow.<your function's name> to call a function on the parent page that will accept the transferred argument.

For your convenience I prepared a small demo and attached it to this thread. There you can see how to close RadWindow from the server and how to first transfer a value from the server and then close RadWindow.

I hope this helps.

Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team

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answered on 19 Dec 2008, 11:27 PM
Thanks for your sample Georgi.  However, it's not quite what I was thinking in that:

RegisterStartupScript triggers the client script only upon postback, NOT when the page inside the RadWindow first loads.

What I was asking for was: Is there a way, upon the page inside the RadWindow LOADS FOR THE FIRST TIME, to run some code on the server side, and then CLOSES ITSELF IMMEDIATE upon some specific conditions (e.g.: a set of data not found)?

In other words, RadWindow shows up, and then closes itself (upon some server-side generated conditios met) without any user interaction at all (i.e.: no button click, no postback)?


Georgi Tunev
Telerik team
answered on 20 Dec 2008, 07:49 AM
Hi Justin,

Yes, I used a postback button just for demo purposes - as I said, the logic is common in all scenarios that you describe. What you need to do is read the argument on the server and if it (doesn't) meet certain conditions - to output a JavaScript code that will get a reference to the RadWindow object and to call its close() method.

Please note that this issue is a general programming task - you would use the same logic if you are using not RadWindow but a standard popup ( If you experience problems with RadWindow, please implement the desired logic with a standard browser's popup and send the working application to us. We will check it and modify it for you so it uses RadWindow.

Georgi Tunev
the Telerik team

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Georgi Tunev
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