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RADEditor - Image manager

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WebParts for SharePoint
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shiva asked on 31 Oct 2008, 01:13 PM

I have configured my site to use radeditor in the place of the OOB RTE, using the wsp.Everything is working fine. Am trying to plug in the RADImage manager functionality and was successful. but its failing in the below mentioned scenario.

My site architecture is i have a site where

I have a top level site collection, two subsites.

Subsite 1 has all libraries(doc, pic, etc.. )

Subsite 2 inturn has one more subsite(lets call it as subsite21) and subsite21 has a wiki library. Now i want to use the picture library available in the subsite 1 in this wiki library to insert images in the wiki article.

If i mention the imagelibrary url in the listconfig.xml file and when i click on the image manager in the wiki article while editing, it throws me a "invalid path" error.

How do i solve this? do help me at the earliest.

Thanks in advance.,

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Telerik team
answered on 06 Nov 2008, 04:59 PM

Which version of the editor do you have? I suggest that you take a look at the following article from the editor for MOSS help -

In your scenario, you should set the images paths of the editor configuration to:
<property name="ImagesPaths">

This should make it point to the pic library of the Subsite1 site. Notice that the path starts with a slash - this tells the editor that it should look for Subsite1 in the root of the site collection. If the path does not start with a slash, the editor will only look from the current site.

If you want the change to the ImagesPaths to be applied only to the site with the Wiki library, you need to create a separate configuration file for that site. For more information, see

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