Hi. I usually use Trendosoft's Multiple-IE to test for IE6. I recently noticed that the RadComboBox does not work in IE6. refer: [http://demos.telerik.com/ASPNET/Prometheus/Combobox/Examples/PopulatingWithData/AutoCompleteSql/DefaultCS.aspx] using IE6.
Once the page is loaded, and when the dropdown arrow is clicked, there is a JavaScript error thrown: 'The download of the specified resource has failed'. Also, the dropdown does not appear, and basically the combobox does not work.
Could this just be an error with my version of the browser, or has anyone else with actual IE6 see this as well?
Once the page is loaded, and when the dropdown arrow is clicked, there is a JavaScript error thrown: 'The download of the specified resource has failed'. Also, the dropdown does not appear, and basically the combobox does not work.
Could this just be an error with my version of the browser, or has anyone else with actual IE6 see this as well?