Hi, I have a radHtmlChart and have set it to 100% height and width - but it does not seem to stretch. It goes to a deafult value of about 800px
My code is below
<div id="Manufacturers" class="w3-container city" style="display:block; height:1800px; width:1800px; ">
<telerik:RadHtmlChart runat="server" Transitions="true" Skin="Silk" Width="100%" Height="100%" ID="ChartManufacturers" ChartTitle-Text="Car Manufacturers" PlotArea-XAxis-DataLabelsField="Manufacturer" PlotArea-XAxis-LabelsAppearance-RotationAngle="50" >
<telerik:ColumnSeries DataFieldY="Count" />
Any ideas as to why it does not strecth the full 100% - see attached pic of how it looks
Many thanks in advance